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A cold hand was on the back of my neck as I was marched into a private room and forced to sit on the settee. I fell unceremoniously, feeling my entire world spin.

“What were you even thinking?”

Belladonna stood over me, eyes lit bright gold with anger. Her hands were positioned upon her hips, drumming against the bare skin of her thighs. She wore a series of straps that held up thin pieces of gauzier fabric. When I stumbled into the chapel today, she had been holding court. Every vampire in the room turned towards me in tandem, their eyes dilated and tongues salivating.

“I forgot,” I mumbled. I wondered if she would be okay with yelling at me while I laid down.

“You forgot? You forgot that nearly every vampire within the market was going to be in the chapel today? You forgot that you smell delectable? You forgot that there are ones out there that would love nothing more than to sip from the Night Market's neck? The very source that is giving them life? You just forgot?”

I winced a little, curling my legs in on myself. “Too loud.”

“They could have killed you. I have control over a great many things, but the entirety of the vampire race is not one of them. What were you thinking? If you were one of mine, I would slit your neck where you stand. The only reason you are getting away with stumbling into that closed door meeting is because you are my mate.”

My eyes felt heavy and sticky as I curled in on myself. Oh, look. I had laid on my side. It was curious that I didn’t remember quite when that happened.

There was a brief moment of silence and I wondered if Belladonna was still talking, but I just couldn’t hear her, or if she was waiting for my response. From experience, Bella was really good about waiting for someone else to speak. She didn’t mind the silence. It soothed her.

When her hand touched my forehead, I leaned into the dry coolness. It felt like a sip of water after so long without.

“You are burning up, dear heart,” she said, her voice suddenly changing.

I swallowed dryly. “I think I’m sick.”

“What does it mean when the Night Market gets sick?”

“I think we’re about to find out.”

She sighed deeply, her face close to mine. When I peeled open my eyes, I could see the indecision on her face. There was a taciturn look that was twisting her lips. The anger still lingered, but beneath it all I could see fear.

“Alright,” she muttered.

Standing, I watched her walk to the door with a clipped stride. She pulled it open, looking out at the vampires still waiting for her council. But instead, she looked at two of the night guards she had employed for the meeting. “Reschedule,” she said primly. “Something far more important has arisen.”

There was a series of hisses and outrage as the vampires stood, their protests rising. But Belladonna ignored them as she slammed the door shut, cutting off the sound of the outside world completely.

She stared at me for a long moment, her expression going soft.  Slipping her heels off, she came to crouch by me once more, brushing her hand across my sweaty forehead.  “I am going to take us back home,” she said. “Get your scent away from here. It’s stronger today, and I suspect that is because of the fever.”

“Oh.” It was really all I could think to say. I wasn’t sure I understood any of it.

“Close your eyes, please,” she requested. “I do not wish for the journey to make you sick.”

I did as I was told, feeling her scoop me up and hold me close to her. Like a child, I curled into her chest, seeking out that desperate coolness that lay across her skin. I felt her bones crack against me as she shifted into her true form, and felt the moment she took off from the window.  Within moments her feet were back on solid ground again, and I could smell the familiar scents that were the inner sanctum of Belladonna true home.  I knew I could open my eyes now, but I just wanted to stay in the quiet for a bit longer. I hadn’t realized just how loud the chapel had felt.

She laid me down on a soft bed, slowly stripping me of my clothes. When I opened my eyes, it was to the sheer curtains that hung around her bed frame and the dark purples and blues of her room.  The fire was already blazing black in the hearth, pumping out heat. It felt uncomfortable against my already too heated and scratchy skin.  I must have made a face because Belladonna shushed me as she crawled into bed.

“I’m not about to have you freeze,” she reprimanded, “but I understand that you are burning with a fever, so I’ll stay close to help cool your skin down. You’ll want that fire after some time.  Now drink.”

She helped me sit up, handing me a small obsidian cup. “What is it?”


I felt my stomach recoil. “Am I dying?” Was she about to turn me?

“Don’t be so dramatic. It’s a concoction that is often used through the market for human lovers. Just a touch of vampire's blood along with a vitamin enriched tea. Drink it. It’ll help.”

“It’s your blood?”

“Just drink it.”

It tasted infused with cinnamon, the under notes being sweet. My mind wanted to say that it tasted foul, but in the end, I was too tired to care. I dutifully drank. Belladonna took the mug away before it could tip out of my hand with exhausted.  She then wrapped herself around me, pulling the blanket up tight.

“I feel awful,” I told her.

“You look awful,” she said.


“It’s not a bad thing. Just an observation. I suspect your throat also hurts. And you are shivering and sweating terribly. You’ll need a bath in the morning.”


She nuzzled against my neck, breathing in deep. “You smell delicious, dear heart. Remember that vampires like the smell of sweat.”

“I still find that gross.”

“Gross or not, you should get some sleep.” Her arms were a tight band around me, trying to hold me together as I shook through the fever. “This will be gone by morning.”

“What if this is doing something to the market,” I worried. “What if–?”

“Hush,” she whispered into the shell of my ear. “Just hush. You do not need to worry about the state of the market tonight. You let me worry about that.”

“You’re not worrying about it. You’re worrying about me.”

The bed was soft, and despite trying to fight it, I could feel myself being lulled down into the deep chambers of sleep.

“Sleep,” Belladonna whispered. My blood sang at the sound of her voice. Helpless to her call. “Sleep and in the morning, rise anew.”

“Stop hypnotizing me,” I muttered, my eyes too heavy to stay open. I felt her laugh against the back of my skull.

“Stop fighting me,” she commanded.

I wanted to tell her ‘never’. That I would fight her until my last breath. That I would challenge her and love her through every bit of her life. But my body was heavy, and before I could open my mouth, I had drifted off to sleep, safe in Belladonna’s arms and care.


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