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Authors note: Between Gabriel and female MC. Set in an undetermined time

Pushing his chair back, I climbed in his lap, my legs hugging either side of his hips.  When I took the quill from his fingers, there was mild irritation that crossed his eyes. The kind that said I was reaching a boundary that he did not wish for me to tread.  Of course it was going to be a work-related boundary. Gabriel rarely pushed back when it came to his own comfort, but was a stickler when it came to his work.

“What exactly are you doing?” he asked me.

“You have been working too hard.”

Days had gone by. All of which showed Gabriel sitting at his desk, bent over files and worksheets. The likes of which I really didn’t care to understand.  According to him, there was a coup down at the docks. One that Reese had somehow made worse which then sent the entire group of “cretins” towards the swampy district of the bog lands.  There, more contraband was found, a guard went missing, and the shops there had to be shut down. In the end, it was a paperwork nightmares that Gabriel had been dealing with along with the rest of his Warden duties and it was taking its toll. He had not left the office for anything other than work in over a week. He forgot to eat. And the time him and I shared was shoved between filing away his forms and small bites of food I absconded from Hazel.

“I do not believe in the term, working too hard,” he told me.  “Someone that believes they are working too hard is someone who does not value work at all.”

“I don’t think that’s true.”

He hummed at me, not responding. I could tell he disagreed but rarely anymore did he like to do so out loud.

“Why don’t you take a break?” I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “We could go get some food. Walk the market for the evening where you can glare menacingly at people. Maybe go back to your place.” I rolled my hips suggestively against his own, delighting in the surprise that crossed his face.

“As much as I would love to do all of that,” he said, clutching my hips tightly. “This is time-sensitive. I cannot take the entire evening off.”

“But you could spare a few hours?”

“I hesitate to give you an answer because I feel as if you are going to take advantage of that.”

“Absolutely I am,” I laughed. Despite his hold on me, I ground my hips down against him, feeling the length of him twitch beneath his trousers. His pants had grown tighter over the last few months as he actually ate real meals. Which gave the delicious effect of showing off what he hid beneath the blue of his uniform.

“I really cannot,” he insisted. Yet, he shifted himself downwards, his fingers kneading the flesh of my hips as he tipped his head back. Like I suspected, his hips began to give small little rolls against mine, seeking out the heat of my core.

“You sure?” I whispered. “So tense, Warden. You sure you don’t need a little bit of release?”

He groaned loudly as I thrust against him, dragging the fabric of his trousers up along the length of his cock. I could feel myself grow wet, my mouth beginning to water at the idea of him helpless and squirming beneath me.

Sliding down his legs, I got on my knees, spreading his thighs. Slowly, I began popping the button of his pants, his ragged breaths shredding the air around us as he tried to keep himself still.  The leather of his chair creaked as he tightened his fingers around each arm and his feet were planted on either side of me. He looked down at me with hooded eyes, lips parted and grace beginning to glow around us.  With deft fingers, I reached inside, wrapping my hands around the warm and dry length of him. He twitched in my hand, blood filling his erection as I squeezed him before popping him out.

Gabriel was thick and hard, jutting upwards. He trembled as my breath ghosted across the dark head, a pearl of precum beading at the tip.  Leaning down, I licked it from him, flattening my tongue to run across the veiny underside. He was hot and heavy against my lips and the moan that escaped him when straight to my center.

“Do you want me to continue?” I whispered.

I knew he did. But Gabriel never asked for these things. He never liked to rely on anyone. But it had been so long and I could see the way his thighs began to tense.

“What do you want from me?” he panted. I knew he ached to reach out and touch me. To hold onto me. Gabriel loved to give pleasure. Listen to the way my breath hitched and my eyes rolled back in my head as I gave myself to him. He denied himself often though and tonight was no different. Not unless I commanded it to be so.

“What do you want, Gabriel?” I murmured, dragging my lips across him. He sucked in a harsh breath, hips arching off his chair.  “Can you tell me?”

He strained upwards, clearly wanting more. It was the how that I was interested in. Getting him to tell me any of that, given who he was. Sex was wrong. Unclean. It was something beneath a celestial. But the man before me was very good at getting dirty and I loved watching how he fell apart each time.

Twisting in his seat, he gritted his teeth. “No,” he stated. “I don’t think I actually can.”

“Oh, Gabriel,” I sighed.  Then again, maybe tonight was not the night. Maybe instead of pushing him, I just needed to take care of him.  There was a balance to be struck with this and we had come so far already. I needed him to know he was safe in my arms just as much as I was safe within his.  “Alright,” I told him softly. “No more playing.”

Leaning down, I took him into my mouth, feeling him hit the back of my throat. The broken groan that fell from his lips made a burst of heat shoot through me. I rubbed my thighs together as I bent forward, my nose pressing against his groan, breathing in the musky scent of him.

Above me, I could see the light of silver fall from his eyes, reaching out through the room and filling it with song. I reached between his legs, cradling his balls and feeling the heavy weight of them. How many times had I brought him off like this, only for him to rise, cock slick with my spit, as he drove into me.  For a man who felt as if he had to repent each time he had sex, he certainly had no trouble getting himself back up over and over again. Stuffing me so full that I struggled to walk the next day.

Hollowing my cheeks, I sucked him the way I knew he liked, feeling the weight of him against my tongue. On his desk, the bottle of ink fell over as he jerked his hand out, trying to gain some sort of purchase as he pulsed his hips upwards. He grew impossibly bigger within my mouth, spit beginning to gather as my lips were stretched wide. I grabbed his hand, pulling it so it threaded through my hair to help guide me. He kept his grip loose but bent one knee at the act. I knew it wouldn’t take him long. Not with how much stress he was under.

Bobbing my head up and down, I felt my throat strain. My jaw ached and I found myself pressing myself forward, to rub against his leg for a minor amount of relief. His eyes closed as I dragged my teeth lightly against him, sucking at the tip of him before pushing myself back down. I could feel the moment he let go. His hips shot upwards, a guttural sound was ripped from his throat, and his balls tightened in my hand.

Tipping his head back, the light of his grace glowed through his body before shooting down through him and straight down my throat. My own body shuddered, pleasure rocking through me at the warm feel of him, while above me, Gabriel silently screamed, the papers on his desk fluttering down around us.

When his body slumped back into his chair, I stood up, wiping at my mouth. He reached out for me, pulling me into his lap. Post-coital was the only time I felt like he acted upon his own volition. He curled me close, tipping my chin upwards and placing a kiss on my lips. His tongue snaked out, licking the roof of my mouth and tasting his own release on my tongue. His fingers trailed downwards, pressing at me between my legs. I groaned at the friction, feeling another spark of desire shoot through me as he began rubbing his palm against me.

“Tonight,” I whispered, pulling back.

His eyes ticked towards his desk. At the work he had.  The choice was clear. Me, or piles of parchment that would still be there tomorrow.

Sighing, he tipped his head against me. “How late am I allowed to work?”

“I want you home before the turn of the day,” I told him. Midnight. I wasn’t about to have him pass out at his desk yet again.

His nose wrinkled and I couldn’t help but smile at the perturbed look on his face. “One in the morning.”

“Midnight,” I reaffirmed.

“That is certainly not enough–”

“Midnight I start taking care of myself,” I told him. “Your choice.”

“I’ll be there at midnight.”

I laughed as I stood. His cock was semi hard still and sticky against the front of his pants.  Leaning down, I nipped at his ear. “Don’t put it away yet,” I told him. He looked at me with wide eyes.  “Leave it out as a reminder of what you promised me for tonight.”

Kissing him quickly on the lips, I stood up, walking out of the room. I paused at the door to watch as he scooted back under his desk, hiding his lap from anyone that may walk in. He took a shaky breath, going back to his work. By the time he got home tonight, he would be more than ready for round two.



Bella I understand now.