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Spoilers ahead for Book One. Read with caution.

What is something that can make the characters genuinely laugh? What’s their sense of humor like?

Hazel laughs when others are happy. She is one of those people that if people around her are enjoying themselves, she is smiling and laughing, whether a joke has been told or not.  She finds it hilarious when people can poke fun at themselves. And of course, any time Mr. Billows does anything cat like, she thinks it's adorably funny. She also likes puns. The ones that make absolutely no sense.

Gabriel is a tough one to get to laugh. Though, I think when he does laugh, he is even surprised by the sound of it.  Very standard jokes with linear punch lines will get him every time though.  Humor was not a big part of the Knowing so the jokes we all roll our eyes at, he finds fascinating.

Belladonna has to be taken by surprise to genuinely laugh.  She is in control of herself so often that even if she does find something funny, she can keep it close to chest. But when someone says something that surprises her, or that she finds unexpected, she will laugh. Her humor is a much more dry sense of humor, however. Very tongue in cheek.

Milo finds antics funny. He is a practical joke kind of guy and people playing pranks on others he thinks is hilarious.  If Milo can pull off a prank, he is full of joy. But if someone can pull one over on Milo? That’s what he truly finds amusement in.  He still laughs over the idea that MC was able to lock him in a cage (if you chose that route) And puns. Milo is a puns kind of guy right along with Hazel.

Malcolm laughs at cleverness. Clever jokes. Clever quips. Things that require a bit more thought to them. Dumb humor is not his thing.  But he also finds a bit of joy when someone proclaims boldly they can do something and then fails miserably at it. He’s pretty big self-important people getting their dues, though he will never admit it.

What do the RO’s truly fear the most?

Hazel fears losing the people that are close to her. She does not have much in the way of family and friends and what she does have, she keeps close. She also fears society in general and rarely leaves the apothecary unless she forms a construct to do so.

Gabriel fears disappointing the Knowing.  Despite having Fallen and having no contact with them, he does fear that he is not on the path that they wished him to be on. He fears his purpose in life and the Knowings are not the same.

Belladonna in general, fears nothing. Which, is actually a fault for her in the end. Which we will hopefully be exploring in book 2.

Milo fears his father. He still has nightmares of that man coming back for him. In those dreams he’s helpless to do anything against it.

Malcolm fears death. He does not want to be a spirit wandering the market alone.  He also has a fear of his mother, though that one he has worked through a bit more.

What is something that our Lamplight can do for the RO’s that would make them feel all warm and sappy on the inside?

For Hazel, it's baking with her. Being genuinely happy to exist by her side is something she melts to.  Before, it has always been about what Hazel could do for others. When someone doesn’t want her to do anything other than just be there, she is overwhelmed with love for that person.

For Gabriel, bringing him food. Someone caring for him without prompt gets to him every time.

For Belladonna, reading to her. Taking a quiet moment to lay with her in front of a fire and read or be read to.

For Milo, holding his hand. It is such a small gesture but for Milo, it is a way to ground him. Milo can so easily be scattered elsewhere do to being the Gatekeeper. A hand in his helps keep him calm.

For Malcolm, caring for the ones he loves as well.  He finds someone who cares for the people he cares for, to be some of the most genuine and wonderful people around. And he will guard them jelously.

Are there dragons in the Night Market?

I mean, there’s got to be, right? How could there not? There are rumors of large, predatory creatures in the Outlands. I think if real ones existed, they would be there.  Paper ones I’m sure have been constructed at some point. And, down in the Deep, depending on the path you take, you do meet a dragon like creature. :) More on him later.

If Milo had shared his plan and the fact that he's the gatekeeper with the other ROs and Barons, who among them would have agreed to help? If anyone agreed, would they then have changed their mind once they realized the piece of TNM they got was a person instead of an inanimate object?

This will absolutely be talked about in book 2 a bit more.  I think the idea of the ritual itself is something that would have caused a lot of divide. What Milo used to get the MC here is something that I truly do think some would consider an asset while others would think it a detriment.  Those opinions could have easily shifted from day to day as well. So it is harder to say who would have been on board from the get go. I mean, Milo wasn’t even on board for what he was doing. He just had run out of options.

As for what they thought when the realization came that the summoned object was a person? Hazel and Malcolm would have been the ones that would have said crossing this line was too far. While in the end, the outcome would have maybe been the same, they would have adamantly been against it. Going so far as to probably try and thwart it.

Gabriel and Belladonna however, would have agreed with Milo. Because it was for the greater good.  Without the sacrifice, they were all going to die and Gabriel and Belladonna are both people who measure out every outcome.  Not sacrificing the MC just simply would not have been an option for them because there would be no world left. Gabriel is supposed to protect the market at all costs. And Belladonna is a woman who can make the hard choices without question.

This is specifically for Bella because I'm curious to see her reaction. What if MC comes back to life but with no memories of her and their time together? I don't take Bella as someone who would let her dear heart go easily.

I think it would be a shock to her in the beginning.  I almost see Belladonna as someone who would not quite know what to even do in that scenario. She is a very calculating woman. But, if the MC continued not to remember her? Belladonna would not be letting them go. In fact, now, Belladonna has the playbook on what MC likes and doesn’t have to hold back because the issue of dealing with Kavatti is not standing in the way.

So you better believe MC would suddenly be courted very intensely by a sexy vampire lady.

If all the RO's had a tumblr blog, what would they post about? What kind of blogs would they follow or how would they interact with people?

Oh, I love this one.

Hazel would be a cat blog. She would be posting homemade sourdough starter recipes, aesthetic pictures of herb gardens, and all of the cat memes.

Gabriel would have a Tumblr with nothing on it. He may have reblogged one post six years ago about rules and order and then realize that it was mocking rules and order and had to delete it.

Belladonna would be posting book reviews under an entirely different name.

Milo would be posting and following anything that is a meme. He would be making fun of himself, others, and posting landscapes with inspirational quotes on it, so Hazel could find them and reblog them.

Malcolm’s would be a music blog. That man loves music to no end and would be posting about different shows, supporting local artists, concert dates, etc.

Why did Milo set up the meeting with Belladonna?

I have been waiting for someone to ask this. :) Milo was being a bit sneaky with this one. There are two ways to look at it and I will let you decide which one you believe.


When he saw MC, he thought to himself there was no way in hell that was the piece that got summoned forward. That it was obviously a ruse. A joke. A person that held a little piece of the night market in their pocket. So, with Bella being the eyes and ears of the market, he sent MC there to be found out. Because surely Belladonna would suss out what was actually happening. That this person was a fraud.

And then Bella didn’t.

And then Bella confirmed there was something different about the MC.

And Milo began to freak the fuck out and work through some major denial.


He was hoping someone would stop him.



i actually laughed out loud when I read about Gabriel's tumblr blog. like yep! that tracks perfectly

Arista Holmes

Re; Milo arranging the meet with Belladonna... I mean. you say two options, but I kinda wanna post the Road to Eldorado Gif that's going "Both? Both! Both is good" Lol!