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Trying something new this weekend!

So, I've been a bit absent lately. Not going to lie, my mental health took a nose dive right around the time that I finished this book.  The nights I released the last chapter, both public and for Patreon, I had some really shitty family stuff happening and I released the chapters for something good to counter it.  Then, while life has not been bad, I had to come to the realization that writing is such a coping mechanism for me, that by not writing, and instead editing, I lost the thing that was kind of keeping me focused on the good in life.

But! I took care of this. I've gotten some help and I am feeling better. Editing though? Not something that is sustainable for long periods of time. Not for my sanity, at least. And what I thought was going to be a really easy process for me, turns out, is an incredibly long process instead. Which, is not going to do well for me at all.

So today, I am trying something new.  My husband is off on the weekends and him and I have decided that for the time being, we are going to just tag team this house and the kids. Normally, I kept the weekends free for family time.  I think we are in a period however that that might not be possible.  So, I'm working straight through weekends now in hopes of getting these edits DONE because I do not want to be doing this during the summer break.  My teens have about a month and a half left of school. My littles get me all to themselves during the weekdays.  So, I think it is time to just do some crunch time work and see if that can get these edits done and over with.  Because boy do I need them to not go on and on and on. I keep having to remind myself that a happy and not stressed mom, is going to be a far better mom for these babies.  And, since we rely on my Night Market money, the option to just let it drag out isn't really one I'd like to take.

So, throw those Tumblr asks my way. Shout out at me on Discord.  They keep the work day interesting.  I'm starting to edit chapter three today. I'll give you an update at the end of my work day on Monday to let you know how far I managed to get. :)



Jaime Ford

As a parent of both Littles and a preteen myself (and someone who just spent an hour scrubbing hair dye off a shower) I feel this deeply. Just make sure you take time for yourself to relax. This is something I super struggle with. Best of luck with edits!!! I'm rooting for you!


Hugs and good edit vibes!