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Wow is the editing process not as fun. LOL! Believe me, if I could pay someone to take my brain and rewrite the scenes I want rewritten, while also going through and fixing dialogue, adding options, and cleaning up paragraphs? I would.  Hands down this is my least favorite part of the creation process.  I remember saying that not reading my stuff and going back through it later would be future me's problem.

I am future me.

I am suffering the consequences.

Will I learn from these consequences? No.

On a serious note, I am hella behind on a lot of stuff right now so I really am appreciative that everyone has been patient.  I have kickstarter e-mails to respond to, books to get editing, and content for Patreon I need to post.  On top of this, it's been a busy time in my household. Spring always seems to bring in this firm desire in me to do more for my kiddos with the weather getting better so I do not feel like we have stopped moving.  I'm hoping to feel back on track soon but I honestly think I am going to feel behind until this editing process is done.

There is a lot that is changing in Chapter One. The concept of it all is still the same, but the delivery is a bit different.  I've cleaned up some routes too because there was a lot of repetition that didn't need to be there.  Gabriel's dialogue has a complete overhaul.  Milo has had to have some tweaks. Hazel's is a complete overhaul as well.  I am hopeful that by the time I get to about chapter three it won't be as much work because I had more of an idea of what I wanted to do at that point but we will see.

As for book 2 itself. I have so many ideas. All of which are ones that I am letting stew. But I might need to give a little PSA given the baseline of what I am seeing post game reaction.  The way that things are going to go in Book 2, might not be the way everyone is logically thinking it will go?  Which, I think at this point we should maybe just accept I am probably that kind of writer. I don't like going down the routes that are explored constantly. And that isn't to say those aren't good routes to explore but I am an avid reader and I would get bored with writing those types of routes. And in the end, the only reason I was getting content out the way I have done in the last year, is because I was excited for what I was writing. So, we'll see how that will end up going.

Heading out to continue chapter one edits and bang my head against the wall.




Good luck with the editing! And don't feel bad for spending time with family -- that is important. <3

Emily Williams

I'm just excited to find out WHAT happens next. I have no preconceptions!