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What kind of sleepers are the ROs when in a relationship? Do they want to cuddle all night? Do they like head-on chest?  Do they want to spoon? Do they not want to be touched at all when sleeping?

Hazel: Hazel likes to go to sleep with her head on her lover's chest. Tucked under just the right amount of blankets, the window open so the wisps can light the sky like fireflies.  She goes to sleep with a soft sigh and looks almost like someone out of a fairy tale. Now, what happens during the night, only Mr. Billows really knows. Because she will wake up the next day, hair completely in disarray, laying half on top of her lover, half off the bed. The blankets will be across the room. She may have changed clothes in the middle of the night.  What is known though, is she is never without contact with her lover. She is constantly touching them from the moment she falls asleep until she wakes up. And if they have to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, they might have a snoring Hazel holding onto them as they try to get out of bed.

Gabriel: Gabriel does not move at night. He sleeps incredibly still but wakes quite often.  Every sound and every movement has his eyes open but he has mastered looking as if he is fast asleep.  With his lover, he does enjoy them in his arms, if only so he can protect them if anyone tries to break in.  He lies on his back mostly so a lover would be forced to sleep curled up at his side or next to him where his hand is usually clasped in theirs.  He is the last to fall asleep in the relationship though and the first to wake up. And it is a bit of a treat if someone wakes with him still in bed. He tends to like to get up before his lover does to fix them something to eat in the morning.  Gabriel is big on breakfast in bed.

Belladonna: Do not touch her.  Once she wishes to go to sleep at night, she is going to roll over, back to her lover and go to sleep. She likes her space. She likes her own blanket and she will not hesitate to punch anyone that tries to crowd her while she is asleep.  Now, a lover can perhaps get away with a snuggle when she is in a deep enough sleep and can try to spoon her but let's face it, that might not end well for them in the morning. However, up to that moment, she is up for almost anything.  She will hold someone, sometimes allow herself to be held, have plenty of pillow talk among other things. But the act of actually sleeping is something she wants to do alone. In fact, it takes quite a lot for Belladonna to even spend the night with someone.

Milo: A serial snuggler. Milo treats his lovers as if they are his own personal comfort objects. He will attach onto them, arms and legs, wrapping himself completely around a lover or having them wrap themselves completely around him. He doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon, as long as there is a spoon involved.  Mainly, Milo recharges from touch.  Sleeping alone brings him a lot of nightmares so being able to sleep with someone is one of his favorite things to do in the entire world.  It makes him feel safe.  That being said, Milo also is not someone who falls asleep with others easily. Only when he truly trusts someone does he fall asleep with them and use them as his personal body pillow.

Mal: Malcolm is a light sleeper who likes to sleep on his back.  If he does want to spoon someone, he is normally the big spoon and likes a lover who can curl in the crook of his arm.  He is up and down quite frequently through the night so most often, a lover will wake to find him reading by candlelight but still in bed. But, if he knows that it's important to his sleeping partner, he will stay with them the entire time until they are ready to rise in the morning. Then he likes to serve a full breakfast.  He is very easy going in what his sleeping arrangements are but he hates snoring.  Loathes it in fact.  When the quiet is disturbed at night, that’s when Malcolm will not look rested.

What would the ROs do/ how would they react to hearing an MC with a beautiful singing voice? Like they've never heard it before til that day, and they just happened to be walking past while the MC was out doing chores or something.

Gabriel: This would affect Gabriel the most. Singing was huge in the celestial court. He was surrounded by it constantly and he is always searching for something that sounds like home. If he found out an MC could sing so beautifully, I think he would fall even more in love. He would be a man completely entranced and MC would become one of the most precious people in the entirety of his life.  The art of song back home was held higher than anything else, so an MC with a voice like an angel? Gabriel would be a goner.

Hazel: Hazel would want to join them. She also has a very pretty voice and the second she found out that MC could sing, she would want sing alongs constantly inside the shop.  Cue a self playing piano in the corner of the apothecary so her and MC could sing their voices raw every single day. Being surprised by an MC who can sing would not be a surprise for her ultimately. In Hazel’s eyes, there is nothing the MC is not capable of doing.

Milo: Milo would very much like to use this. He is going to see an MC sweetly singing on their own and go no no no no. Time to go karaoke. Time to hit the taverns. Time to make money off of tips. He would be MC’s biggest hype man and go around bragging about how he knows someone with the best voice in the world. If MC ever wanted to pursue singing, Milo would be the bouncer.

Belladonna: Bella would quietly appreciate it. She would let MC have their secret and not let them know she heard them. But, she would make it her mission o hear them again and again and again. I imagine it would become a little thing between them. Bella sneaking up on the MC singing, the MC pretending they don’t know.  The two of them would never speak of it, but Bella would always smile a little softer after hearing them sing.

Malcolm: Malcolm would let them have their secret for a bit. Because, as an artist, he values his privacy too. But eventually, he would coax it out of the MC. At night, he would put old records on while he cooked in hopes that he could catch the MC humming along. He would never look at them if they were shy but afterward, when it was dark, he would tell the MC how wonderful their voice was and he would jealousy covet those moments as his own.

What would each of the ROs find the most surprising about our world if they suddenly found themselves in it? With them being aware of different worlds existing, I imagine it must be pretty difficult to surprise them.

Belladonna: She would be surprised at how repressed people are. How people are so afraid of different lifestyles and sexualities.  There is not a single part of Belladonna that would understand why everyone is so obsessed with sexual orientation and gender because she very much has adopted the idea of those being more accessories to a person.  The amount of conversations we have as a society about it would boggle her mind.

Malcolm: I feel like Malcolm would actually adapt the easiest to our world.  I don’t know if there is really much that surprises Malcolm in general within the world he lives in so I don’t know if he would really be thrown by here.  I think he would be a little surprised that we love fantasy so much but also don’t think it exists outside of books. But if he knew that was just part of our world he would accept it pretty quick.

Hazel: Modern medicine. I don’t think she would be against it, but she would be absolutely floored by modern medicine. This girl would walk into a hospital and want to know how everything works.  Why it works. What they use to make it.  Then, she would be angry about how much it costs. At least from the perspective of the United States.

Gabriel: Everything. And I do mean everything. Gabriel is about order and there is very little order in the world.  I think he would also be surprised how there is a guise of order but it is one that most don’t believe to actually be real.  Whereas in the Night Market, even with the guise of order, people trust it and believe in it, to his knowledge.

Milo: Money would confuse him greatly.  He would be surprised by the set prices to everything. Milo is used to barter, trade and flat out stealing.  He really does think this is the best course of commerce.  To have our system here, he would not understand why someone would pay more for a product that is the same as the off brand product and why they wouldn’t just barter some bits of metal or pay what they think it's worth.

Spicy or Sweet foods

Gabriel: Neither. He likes more savory than anything else. When he gets the chance to eat.

Hazel: She is for sure partial to sweet but does not mind spicy. She just tends to be more of the baked goods kind of girl. But her stews usually have a bit of a kick in the winter season.

Malcolm: Spicy. All the way.

Belladonna: Sweet vintage for her. She loves sweeter blood.  When she was alive though, she did enjoy spicy food and now kind of misses it.

Milo: He’s kind of into any food but I think he tends more towards the spicy and savory than the sweet.  He is big into just trying new food in general.

What are the RO’s like when they get sick?

Belladonna: She doesn’t get sick. She will tell you this point-blank. Once or twice she’s had to disappear for long vacations where she goes to a spa for a break from her duties but it was only for her mental health. That is all. Don’t question her.

Gabriel: He actually can’t get sick. Not with a traditional cold. But if he does seem sick, that is usually a sign for him to panic because the madness is setting in. And that is an entirely different issue to deal with.

Hazel: She just wants to be snuggled when she is sick.  Hazel wants to hide under a blanket and have soup and someone take care of her until she feels better.

Milo: Quiet. He is very quiet when he is sick.  I think he tries to continue his life like normal until someone makes him sit down because it is clear, he is going to hurt himself if he isn’t forced to stop on his own.

Malcolm: He is a bit of a health nut so he gets angry when he gets sick because he feels that his body has betrayed him somehow.  Best to just leave Mal alone. He is not pleasant to be around when he doesn’t feel good.

When did the RO’s fall in love with the MC and when did they realize/admit it for themselves?

Malcolm: Malcolm has loved Lamplight since the day he became the Gatekeeper. I think he was aware of it then but didn’t quite understand it. So, he spent a lot of his journey to the present moment we have, unpacking that and realizing that his love started then, but grows as he gets to know the MC.  He has always been aware and honest with himself about this.  But he kept it and still does, to himself.

Hazel: Hazel fell in love gradually. I think MC and Hazel were in a relationship before she truly fell in love with them. But, Hazel has never been in love before so she didn’t know what to really look for.  I think Hazel thought she was in love from the first moment the MC agreed to help with everything and showed compassion and understanding. Hazel didn’t truly understand what love was though until the ball.  The MC leaving that night without her was her moment where she finally got it. And then she raced to be with them as fast as she could.

Gabriel: I don’t know if Gabriel knows he’s in love yet, to be honest. He wants to protect the MC. He has a desire and an urge to be close to them. But he doesn’t understand why or how just that he must do it.  I don’t think we have seen a Gabriel fully in love.  I think what kind of has mattered most to him though, is an MC that has fought him a little.  It forced his mind to wake up for the first time in a long time and he doesn’t want to let that feeling go.

Belladonna: Belladonna knew very early on something was happening. MC smelled different to them. More intoxicating. Which, means they were supposed to be hers.  Now, while she could smell this, and knew what that meant, she refused to acknowledge it until after Kavatti. There was no way she could entertain being in love with the MC when she was planning on killing the Baron of the Mists and knew the MC was going to be involved. It felt like a betrayal of any trust that they would build within love, so she didn’t admit anything to herself until the second Kavatti was torn to shreds.

Milo: Milo was infatuated from the beginning.  He looked at the MC, who he brought to the market, and thought they were some sort of cosmic joke. There was a punchline somewhere that he wasn’t seeing.  Then, they had a personality. They had a voice. And he started wanting to be around that because it was new and interesting and they just seemed to say and do everything right in his mind. After the Deep, he realized it was love. When the MC showed up at his door that night, he knew from the second he locked eyes with them, he had fallen in love. And it hurt to have that knowledge. And that’s right about the time he started pulling away.

What is everyone's most treasures possession?

Milo: A necklace that he has. He was told it was his mothers.

Hazel: Mr. Billows.

Gabriel: The shard of grace he often fiddles with.

Belladonna: Her books. Especially the ones gifted to her. And the locket she has that has her mother and father's faces in it. Though, she did lose that over the years.

Malcolm: His freedom.

What would the RO’s want as their epitaph?

Milo: If you are reading this, you are too close

Belladonna: She would not have an epitaph. She would just have a beautiful onyx statue of herself, proclaiming she’s the one true Baron

Hazel: Flowers are always brightest in Spring. Like a flower, I will bloom again.

Mal: Don’t let Milo choose my epitaph - chosen by Milo

Gabriel: May the embrace of the Knowing be eternal


Jaime Ford

Omg. Mal's epitaph.


Zinnia, you are an enabler! How am I supposed to not be madly in love with my extremely snuggly, definitely in need of someone to care for him, seemingly open yet very guarded, 'gifts us his his most prized possession at our grave' fae boy? It may be too late for me 😭🥺❤️💔 I will go and read up on the rest now but had to read all of Milo's answers first 🤣