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We have met our Kickstarter goals!!!!!

It is still open for the next 12 days but at the end of that, I will be getting a schedule together so I can get merch out to supporters and also started mass editing book 1 for a Steam release.

In other fun news, my book 1 of short stories is at the point where it has been added onto and edited by me. So now I'm off to send it to another editor while the art is being put together. :)  I was hoping to have the book out by next month but I have no idea if that is possible. My little idea became a big one.  Essentially, what it is though, is all the short stories from the last year, compiled and added onto. Along with about 12 new short stories that have not been seen before. On top of this, we have a ton of art that is being added to it.  It will be available on e-book and physical copy.

Today I'm trying to get caught up on all my Patreon entries, short stories, asks on Tumblr, etc.  I was really hoping to get Paper Lanterns up and done as a test run before the Steam release of book 1 but I am no longer sure that is going to be feasible given my time constraints.  But, it will be coming out soon! Hopefully before mid summer.  I might just put it as a DLC to the main game.

In personal news, we are doing good here. For the first time in a very long time, my husband and I are feeling like we can breathe a bit financially. I actually get to have a date with my husband again which feels like a luxury.  We have been crazy busy with school events for the teens, homeschooling for the littles, holidays, birthdays, family outings, and all of the above. I feel like we have been none stop since November so we are all looking forward to having some relaxing time here at the house and being able to just chill for a bit. Or, at least me and the hubby are. My kids are feral.

I hoped everyone is doing wonderful! I have to say that it has been one of my favorite things to talk with you all on Discord.  I hope that you all stick around for that for a long time.

With love,



