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Holy hell it is done.

Well, not done done, but pretty close to being done.  Eventually, I will be writing my thoughts out on this process and posting it but for now, I'm just kind of still in shock. It doesn't seem real.  And maybe that's because I know I have an entire slew of edits that are on my plate now but it just seems really weird that I am a year into this.  When I started the Night Market, my daughter was still night waking. My husband used to sleep on the sofa so he could hear her and go rock her back to sleep on the nights I was writing.  And me, being the guilty mom, would be turning my headphones up so loud because I kept telling myself I shouldn't be writing while having small children.

I'm really glad I didn't listen to those thoughts.  And I'm also really glad she is sleeping through the night now. Mostly. LOL

Just some technical updates for you guys.  Heading in tonight and tomorrow to fix some code errors within the game so that should be all updated. I also updated the transmasc NSFW Gabe scene because I was apparently on a little too much cold medication while writing that one and just kind of decided on some wrong genitalia. *face palm

That being said, thank you to the reader that did point that out to me. I really do appreciate when you guys send me messages about that kind of stuff. I never mean it. I just sometimes have so much I'm writing and editing in a session that I think things get muddied.  Also, fun fact about me. I'm blind in one eye. So, staring at a computer all day can get a bit problematic.  I will never get upset at a correction like that though. I promise, half the time I will be responding with, Oh fu--! :)

I have some really fun things planned for the upcoming months and when I feel a bit better (we all have the stomach flu) I'll give you guys a big update on them. But for now, know that I am so incredibly glad that you all have given me the opportunity to write for you.  It's just amazing to see people care about these characters.  I have met some of the kindest and most supportive people through this process and I will greedily keep writing because I want you all to stick around so I can hoard you. :P




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