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How do marriage ceremonies work in The Night Market? Do they just have different types for where everyone is from or is it just a type of ceremony that is unique to The Night Market?

They tend to be unique based on the different cultures that have immigrated to the market. There are probably too many variations of marriage to really talk about if you consider that so I’ll focus specifically on the traditions for the people who are native to the world.

Marriage is more of a life commitment within the Night Market.  Instead of a metaphorical bond and a promise to be together kind of vow, they have physical ones.  When individuals decide to “marry” one another, a ritual is performed. It combines their blood and joins them through a soul bond link.  When one partner is hurt, the other can feel it. If one dies, so does the partner.  Due to that, marriage is not often something people conduct. Mainly because we are talking about beings that have the potential to live for a very looooong time.  The people who are available to do these ceremonies are very rare as well and it would require a lot of time and dedication to find someone to enact it.  Most individuals instead have a commitment with each other without the form of marriage.  Families within the market are rarely seen, however, with a dual partner trope (husband and wife, wife and wife, husband and husband).  Instead, partnerships are much more based on the choice to be around that person for the time being.  A lot of couples do go their separate ways after a while or when they have finished a life task they had set out to do with each other.  There is much less of a focus of being together forever in marriage and much more of a focus of being together in the now.

That being said, they all are great about raising children. If partners do end up splitting before the child is an adult, normally, the partners will take great care to either still live with each other, or near each other. The Night Market has a much more village mentality when it come to child-rearing.

All of the ROs seem to have pretty terrible parents 😬 Soooo do any of the ROs (Mal included) want to have children either biologically or through adoption and how many?

Kids are always a fun topic when it comes to these characters.  We will start with the Albright’s.

Hazel does not want children. Though, Hazel has suspected most of her life that she would be going through life on her own and she predominantly, did not want to raise a child on her own, or put that type of companionship onto a child.  She would be far more interested in adopting or mentoring children but she does not wish to become a mother. That being said, I think Hazel’s viewpoints could change based on the partner she is with and having stability within that partnership.

Malcolm wants kids. He has always wanted children.  But, he also knows the type of job he has (or had) and has never quite figured out how to keep a child safe.  Along those lines, I don’t think he likes the idea of having a child of the Night Market (no pun intended) mainly because he does believe that when a life cycle ends, it should end. He doesn’t like the idea of his child living for eternity and seeing the end of their world's existence.

Now, Milo? He is a different egg all together.  Milo was just a baby when his mother abandoned him. He has no memory of her other than the soft smell of an apple orchard.  And his father, we have learned, is abusive.  In theory, Milo does want children. He genuinely enjoys children and would be the parent that got excited over each new discovery they made.  But, he is terrified of being his dad. He does know he has his father's temper and that scares him. So, he has always wistfully thought of it, but never made a move to make that happen.

Gabriel does not understand the concept of children, to be honest.  Where he is from, there were no children.  Celestials were just in existence one day and could function fully as an adult.  So, the concept of tiny humans to him is not one he quite grasps. He doesn’t get how babies would need to be cared for.  And, as he had no actual parents, he doesn’t understand needing to care for them. That being said, he is forever grateful to Reese and Elias because they did take him under their wing and gave him a home. He calls them his fathers because he doesn't know what else to call them.  But the thought of being a father himself has never crossed his mind.

Belladonna actually had a good upbringing. She had a wonderful mother and a wonderful father right up until the end. The belief in their form of the Knowing and the fear of the end of the world, was too much for her father and he made a poor choice. But, overall, Bella’s childhood was actually very loving. Due to this, she does want one.  She would love to have a baby and rock them late into the night. Given that she is a vampire, however, she cannot carry a baby of her own.

What would each of them be like with their kid(s)?

Ultimately, I do think each RO, would be a good parents if a child was involved. They have enough experience with a lack of support that I feel they would not allow that to happen to their child.

Hazel would be an earth mama. She would teach the kid the ways of the land, how to brew tonics and heal people. And you better believe that kid would be cooking with her from the time they were born.  I think she would be a loving mother but one that kept her kid busy and constantly learning.

Malcolm would be a balanced father. I think he would want to be a helicopter dad but have enough sense to know that kids need to learn some stuff on their own.  But I think he would always be silently hovering.

Milo would be the dad that would go on adventures with his kid. But, I think Milo would also be an incredibly strict dad. He would be quick to forgive and I don’t think he would be ever truly mad at his kid, but he would expect them to toe the line.

Gabriel would be confused. I think he would have the biggest learning curve and would constantly be trying new things, worried he isn’t doing it right. But the second that baby laughs for him for the first time, he would pledge his entire life to them.

Belladonna would treat her child like royalty. She would spoil the shit out of them and make sure they understood that they should accept nothing but the best. I think she would be the mom curling up with her kid at night to read though, finding it to be her favorite pass time.

If the characters were going to watch a play or show, what genre is their favorite? Comedy, mystery, drama, musical, something else?

Hazel’s would be musicals and suspense. If you could somehow find her musical suspense she would be over the moon.

Malcolm isn’t too into shows or plays but if he was to go to one, I think he would like one to be heavily influence by music. That is more of his passion and you are much more likely to find him in a music club.

Milo is all of the above. Milo loves to just consume, consume, consume. Especially if it is something he hasn’t experienced before.

Gabriel is mystery. He would try to figure the plot out before the main character could.

And Belladonna loves dramas with a touch of horror.  It delights her and gives her ideas. But if any of them are based on book she will immediately consider them garbage.

I would like the characters to describe their perfect date. I will accept both the actual answer and the Miss Congeniality cringe answer.

Hazel: “Oh, that’s easy. My perfect date would be a picnic somewhere. A place where no one else is.  I would like to lie out on the softest blanket and eat good food and stargaze well into the night, talking about our hopes and dreams.  Cuddling up under a massive quilt until we both fall asleep sounds like absolutely perfection.”

Malcolm: “Going to one of the underground music clubs, listening to music, drinking some wine and watching people dance.  I would want to sit in one of the dark alcoves and have good conversation where I could get lost for hours in what my date is saying.”

Milo: “My perfect date would be mid-summer when the evening breeze is just right and the toads are croaking a song so wildly romantic that when I look at my lover, it is with hearts in each of our eyes.”

Gabriel: “I would take my date out to dinner. We would eat. And then we would walk home that night without criminal interruption.”

Belladonna: “Obviously my perfect date would be a night out on the town, seeing the wonderful sights of the Night Market. People watching. Experiencing the joys of my date's company. Before taking a night cap back at a mutually agreed on place where we could get to know each other better, per the parameters of our agreed upon contract.” (Bella may not like dates, it turns out)



Gabe's date... bro please...

Jaime Ford

I love the idea of Mal and MC sitting at whatever home they made for themselves and Milo. All of a sudden Milo and their child come busting in the door absolutely covered in mud and leaves. Mal: *sigh* I'll start a bath. MC: I'll get the story...and the bandages. Meanwhile the kid is just so excited to tell their dad and (in my case) their mom about their adventures with dad #2.