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“He’s taking us somewhere to kill me.  You know that right? This is all part of Mal’s master plan.”

Milo held out his hand, as he helped me down a set of damp and rocky steps. They had been carved into the depth of a cave and had crumbled a bit over time, but the passage itself still looked secure.

“Why am I involved then?” I asked him, keeping my eyes on my feet as I navigated downwards.

“I don’t know.” Milo stumbled, bracing himself on the wall. The two of exchanged looks as we waited for the floor to crack beneath us or something horrid to descend. When nothing but silence greeted us, we both breathed a sigh of relief. “Maybe you two are in on this together,” he continued. “You both conspire. Just the other day I saw you two with your heads bent together. Whispering. Laughing. Disgusting really. You really need to get that pda under control.”

I rolled my eyes. Milo’s paranoia was something I had to learned over the years to take with a grain of salt. He never truly believed what he said. And it was normally followed up with a joke of some sort. It was more of a way for him to empty the thoughts that were rattling in his head and in the end we all agreed that we preferred it to his silence.

“You really think that?” I asked.

Grabbing me by the sides, he helped lower me down off of a steep drop-off.  His fingers lingered against me as he pulled me flush against his front, rocking our bodies back and forth. Head dipped and hair hanging in front of his face, he grinned a little. “Darlin’, I have learned never to underestimate you two.” Leaning forward, he placed a lingering kiss on my lips, fingers searching to sneak beneath my shirt.

“Date day,” I reminded him, nipping at his bottom lip.  Malcolm had sent us a message early that morning.  It had been days since the three of us had been able to see each other, and in true Mal fashion, that was not going to stand.  “Malcolm is waiting for us,” I told Milo as he showed no signs of stopping.

Pressing me against a wall, Milo lifted one thigh to wrap up around his hip. “He can wait a little longer.” He rolled his hips against mine, our breaths hitching as our grips became far more desperate and filled with heat. Milo pushed himself forward, rutting up against me, hand snaking between our bodies.


Milo’s head fell forward and I had to stifle a laugh as it hit the jagged expanse of the cave wall. “Fuckin’ mood killer.”

I patted his back sympathetically before extracting myself from his embrace.

Malcolm leaned against the entrance to a cavern, arms crossed in front of him as he stared at us with amusement. I had a feeling he had watched us from the start. Milo often called him out on such tactics but Malcolm never admitted to any of it. Just gave us a sly smile as Milo continued to curse him out.

When I walked up to him, Malcolm took my hand, pulling me towards him. The kiss he placed on my lips was so different from Milo’s. It was soft and sweet and yet burned with a deep current of desire that snapped tight around me and yanked me in.

Milo was all chaos and heat and right the fuck now.  Malcolm was a slow burn you languished within until you couldn’t breathe anymore.

“Hey, Lamplight,” he said, brushing his fingers against my cheek. “Make it down okay?” I nodded, still curling close to him and feeling strong arms wrap around my middle. “Button? You pouting?”

With his head still banging against the wall, Milo held up his middle finger. I could feel the laughter rumble through Malcolm’s chest.

“Aw, don’t be like that,” Mal said.  “Got a surprise for you too.”

Pushing away from the wall, he walked up to the two of us. Eyes narrowed in irritation and all ire directed towards Mal.  “Any other fun moments you would like to interrupt? Any more dreams you wish to crush?”

“So many,” Malcolm mused. “It’s what I live for, Milo. Being your fun sucker.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Oh, I don’t know if I like that phrasing.”

“I do,” Milo laughed. “Want to suck some fun, Mal?”

I pushed away from both of them, hearing Milo’s laughter echo throughout the cavern as Malcolm only shook his head.  Looking over my shoulder at the two of them, I felt a small moment of affection.  It was nice to finally see them at ease in each others presence.

Malcolm took the lead after that, guiding us through the slick cavern passages until the sound of trickling water echoed around us.  The air was thick with heat, creating beads of sweat against our skin. We emerged into a vaulted cavern only moments later, the three of us stopping to marvel at our surroundings.  A deep pool sat in the middle of the room, formed from the cavern itself where purple and green stones glowed far beneath the surface.  Heated streams of sweet smelling water trickled down the sides, pouring in front the ceiling like rain.  The room was filed with steam, rippling across the room and as I tipped my head downwards, I could see to the bottom of the pool where a thick layer of swaying seagrass lulled.

Milo let out a low whistle. “Where did you find this?”

“Knew about it years ago,” Malcolm said with a shrug. “But I ventured down a few days ago to see if it was still here.”

Milo raised a brow at the two of us, practically rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Soooo…. Skinny dipping?”

We found ourselves naked and in the water in no time, the steam bubbling up around us and sinking into our aching bones.  Milo was swimming smack in the middle of the pool while Malcolm was lounging on a nearby ledge, the water butting up against his chest, his arms glistening with sweat.

When Milo dived beneath the water, we were easily able to track his movements. He kicked as he made his way all the way to the bottom, twirling his hands within the grass before plucking something from their depths. When he came back up, he spit the water into the air, slicking back his hair.  Swimming up to me, he held out a small shell, the likes of it a color I’d never seen.

“Admit it,” I said, taking it from him. “This is nice.”

“Never,” he whispered. His smile was relaxed and free as I admired the shell, vowing to tuck it away with all the other trinkets he occasionally brought me. “Now dance with me,” he demanded.

“In the water?”

“Yes.  Become one of the aquatic ones with me.” He pulled me into a familiar position, holding one of my hands and wrapping the other around my hip.  I could feel the way he was kicking to keep us both afloat.  “Let us cast aside our life of sin and make our home beneath the sea.”

“I don’t think I can hold my breath that long,” I said with a grin.

Tipping his head towards mine, he hummed a soft tune in my ear.  “You, darlin’, can do anything.”  He twirled me within the water, dancing me from rock to rock as he pushed off the walls and propelled us through the hot spring.  When Malcolm’s arms wrapped around me from behind, I startled. Milo had danced us straight into his arms.

“Clever,” I told him.

He grinned. “I know.”

Scooting back, Malcolm made room for the two of us, maneuvering me so I sat between his legs, my back to his chest, while Milo treaded water in front of us, making sure to stick close.  With one arm looped around me to keep me steady, Malcolm reached forward, raking his fingers through Milo’s hair.

“I missed you two,” he said softly. Life had gotten in the way. It often did with us.  And while we all circled each other on a near constant, the journeys we were on often pressed against us so hard that we forgot what this was.  That the three of us were together. That after the fighting and the disagreements that sometimes filled our day, we had promised to come together with laughter and support each night.

Leaning back, I rested my head against Malcolm’s shoulder.  “Thank you for doing this, Mal,” I whispered.  His lips pressed against my cheek, lingering at the corner of my lips.  I could feel when his eyes shifted to Milo’s.  He always held himself a bit stiffer when it came to the golden eyed man.  He told me once it was because he never knew which Milo he would get to hold that night.  “Button, c’mere.”

Milo raised a brow. “What’d I do now?”

Malcolm kicked out with a foot, snaking it around Milo’s backside and drawing him close to us.  “Don’t argue,” he admonished. Milo opened his mouth to do just that, but Malcolm swooped in for a kiss before he could get too far. Pressed between them, I watched the way Milo melted against us and the way Mal always treated him so gently.  When they pulled away, Milo rested his head contentedly on my shoulder, closing his eyes when I brought up a hand to twine within his hair.

Around us, the gentle sound of water filled the cavern, along with the heat from the steam.  It lulled us, rocking the three of us gently in a comforting embrace.

“I’m gonna fall asleep in here,” I murmured.

“Me too,” Milo yawned.

Malcolm clutched us both a bit tighter. “Rest,” he whispered. “I’ve got you both.”





Look at them being so adorable. 🤗 Give in to being loved, Milo.