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So for as quick as I wrote Chapter Eleven in order to give myself all the time in the world for Chapter Twelve? Chapter Twelve is at a snails pace.  I think there is just so much that I want to wrap up. So many conversations I want to have.  And doing so requires time and coding that I am not used to giving on a chapter. However, I think this is a good indication of how chapters will probably go in the future.  The more variables I have, the longer it is going to take to write it.

That being said. Milos route is done. Gabriel's route is almost done. Bella's is done and the Gabe/Bella poly scene is done.  I have a few things I want to put in the platonic route. And Hazel is giving me trouble, the little sweet thing she is.  I am hoping tomorrow and Monday will provide the time needed to get it out to the beta's.

Also! Good news for you Gabriel mancers out there. There is a NSFW scene for him.  While I was not going to put one in this book, a situation arose that felt very right for it to naturally occur. And since I listen to my characters more than I listen to myself, angel boy is going to get laid.

Hopefully I'll have a more concise update for you soon! I'm dealing with some sick kids so my brain is a bit fried. Hope everyone is doing well!


peachii moonie

Our angel stanners out here been out here for days with bread crumbs, finally the full course meal is here 🥺👉👈