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A/N: Slight NSFW. Some dirty talk and exhibition. 

"So what does an example date with the infamous Belladonna Malady consist of?” The day itself was cool, and the lanterns were swaying above us in a dusty rose hue.  We were in the back area of the pleasure district, sitting at one of the more obscure tables that offered us an eye to most of the district, but kept us hidden well into the shadows. Belladonna’s eyes glowed in the dark as she kept her them trained on the copulating forms all around. Only once did I see a guard discreetly remove someone as they dropped to the floor. The ambrosia taking the best of him as it was clear his intention within the market was nothing pure.

“Dinners mainly,” Belladonna said, not taking her eyes off the people around us.  “Lots of dinners and listening to small talk and pretending like I care.”

I laughed a little at that, almost fearing the amount of tedious conversation she had to partake in.  It wasn’t that Belladonna did not like conversation, it was simply that she enjoyed stimulating ones far more.

“And that’s it?”

“Of course that is not all but I am not going to share my client's intimate details with you, dear heart. No matter what kind of look you give me.”


“You have this way when you become pouty. Its adorable, really.”  She was making notations in a leather-bound book.  Small little ticks within various columns. If anyone were to pick it up, it was doubtful they would even know what it was.

“I didn’t think I was pouting,” I said, truly not knowing what face she was speaking of.

“That’s why it’s adorable. Unintentional pouts are my favorite.  The ones used to weaponize a situation are rarely done right. Then again, most individuals do not know the art of manipulation.  Their attempts are paltry at best and when they try to turn them on a professional it can get rather uninteresting rather fast.”

She sighed a little as she pushed the book back, examining her words.  A man was approaching us, hat in hand as he hesitantly made his way to our table. Without even looking up, Belladonna held her hand up, halting his motions, before shooing him away.  He made a wide turn and didn’t attempt to continue.

“That was impressive.”

“Weeds out the interesting ones.  The ones with courage I will usually give five minutes too.  It’s clear he will do far better with someone like Sandra. She is soft and will coo in his ear about how manly he is. Stroke that ego.”

I leaned back in my own chair, watching the district, letting my eyes slide over most of the gyrating forms and trying to see the world in the manner Belladonna saw it. Though, I suppose that’s what most paid her for. So they didn’t have to look at the world with cynicism, knowing the dangers that lurked in the corners

“How much does it cost?” I asked curiously.

“For me?” Too much.”

It was what she continued to tell me but I was realizing now I had never once gotten a number.  Nor, did anyone seem to know.  With the conversion rate within the Night Market, it was doubtful one number would mean anything compared to another.

“Are you truly curious?” she asked after a moment, still writing in her ledger.

My eyes snapped to her. “Of course I am.”

“I could give you a taste of it,” she said.  “What I do. It could clear up some questions.”

“Yes,” I said. Because why wouldn’t I take the opportunity?  I was beginning to learn when Belladonna made suggestions like this, it was her way to show that she was interested.  Pathetic or not, I clung to those opportunities.

“Wonderful,” she murmured. “Get on your knees.”

I startled at the sudden demand and when she didn’t raise her head to look at me, I wondered if I had heard her correctly.

“I don’t want to have to ask again.”

Slowly, I rose from my seat and walked around the table to kneel in front of her. It was awkward and I could feel my chest tighten, and my heart begin to pound as she still did not raise her eyes in my direction.

“I have a little bit of work I need to do, dear heart, so rest your head on my thigh, alright?”

Slowly, I scooted forward to rest my forehead against her knee, feeling her chuckle as she felt me try to get comfortable.

“No, dear heart, I want your cheek upon my thigh.  There is a difference. Scoot up please.” Slowly, I inched forward, my cheek resting on the thick muscle of her thigh, a puff of air escaping me as I scooted half under the table, halfway just laying between her legs.  When Belladonna’s hand came down, her nails scratching against my scalp, I felt a shiver run down my spine. “Good little sweetling. So willing to be obedient.”

I could hear the scratch of her quill as she continued to work, her fingers petting across my head. They paid her for this. They paid her to kneel at her feet and breathe in her scent, all the while she ran her fingers across them.  I didn’t understand it. I couldn’t conceptualize why that would be something someone would even ask for. Or maybe you didn’t ask Belladonna. She instead let you know what you needed.

“Ms. Malady?” I startled at the sudden new voice and almost rose to my feet to scramble away. She tapped my shoulder once, letting me know her displeasure at my movement.  “I have the reports you wanted.”

“Wonderful. Just set them on the table. Thank you.”

There was a shuffle and my heart felt as if it were racing as I struggled not to look at whoever was shuffling around my prone body to give Belladonna the latest reports on the market. My breath was coming faster and faster, blaring in my own ears. I didn’t know when he walked away.

“Rest,” Belladonna said with a husky whisper. “You have had so much to do lately. Let me take care of you. Know that nothing else matters other than my voice, my touch, my very presence.  Let the rest of the world slip away.”


“I didn’t say you could speak,” she interrupted. “It shall of course be forgiven since I did not lay out the rules prior.  But, I do expect you to just sit there until your knees go numb.”

I didn’t know how long I sat. I fell into the sound of the quill scratching against the paper and Belladonna occasionally taking a sip of her wine. But nothing more.  After a certain amount of time, I felt her push back in her chair, leaning against the wing back to look down at me.

“Oh, look at you,” she breathed. “Kneeling so pretty.  I should reward you for this.  Just what kind of reward should it be? Should I allow you to slip under my dress and use your lips to your heart's content? Or, should I spread you over this table and run my tongue over your body?”

I felt my breath hitch and my cheeks flush. I didn’t dare answer her, too afraid that she would push me away.

“No,” she murmured, none of those seeming quite right to her.  “Perhaps I should strip you bare and play with you for a while.  See what you like. I do wonder what it would take to make you moan before a group of people. If I could make you scream. Then again, I am feeling a bit peckish. Perhaps I should be the one to kneel between your open thighs and take a sip from you.  Would you like that dear heart?” Pulling my head up with a quick hold of my chin, she looked at me with a blaring intensity.

“Yes,” I whispered.

Belladonna smiled fondly, cupping my cheek.

Then, she rose, gathering her ledger and leaving me panting and breathless, still on the ground. “That, is an example of what I do, my heart. Does that answer your questions?”  Staring up at her, I knew my mouth laid agape as she stared down at me, still at her feet. “Aw, you’re speechless.  How cute.  I’ll go put my things away. Did you need help getting back to Hazels?”

I swallowed. “I….”

“Right. I’ll just give you a few minutes.”

As she walked away, I watched as she looked at several of her guards. They stepped a bit closer to where I was, clearing giving me the time to recover from whatever that was.  Still kneeling, I merely looked at my hands though, wondering just how I had gotten myself into this situation. And if Hazel would give me a raise.


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