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Holy hell it has been a month!

I have the last two chapters written and I am beyond excited for this.  I still have to put in the choices (which will start tomorrow) but then I can get the ball rolling on having the last of this wip up and out and starting the edit and other projects that I have had tumbling on the back burner.  The last chapter of this game is slated to come out somewhere between March 2 and 5th.

Currently, I am also going through all my Patreon shorts.  I am refining and compiling them for a season 1 release, along with some of the art work that has been drawn.  Hopefully I can commission a few new ones that will be exclusive to that book for now and write some new stories to go with it.  Overall, I think there will be around 60 short stories in that release and I am planning on putting it out for 9.99.  I have no idea if I can release it on Itch.io but I can at least release it in an e-book format.

Stickers are also upcoming. The NM artist and I are working on a few things and this is one of them.  I don't know yet if they are going to be Patreon exclusive or if they will just be sold in a bundle but I'll keep you all updated on that too.

On a personal note. I started writing the Night Market up to my ears in debt.  During this journey, my husband was on strike for over two months where we had no paycheck other than what was here. My daughters went through some medical issues that wracked up even more debt, and we had to get a new car because in the span of six months, both our cars died on us. Currently? I have about 10 grand to go and I'm out from under EVERYTHING.

I cannot and will not ever be able to express how much each of you mean to me.  This story has quite literally changed how we have been able to live.  So, I promise I will continue to work hard for all of you and put out the best story I can.

I cannot wait for the content that is coming your way and I hope everyone has a wonderful end of January.




I'm not sure if this has been asked before, so sorry if it has. But, are you planning on releasing the finished game on steam as well as itch?

Zinnia Demitasse

Yup. I just started going over what I need to do to prepare for a steam release. It will for sure be on both platforms. :)


Zinnia, if you don’t mind me asking, why not release with choice script? It would reach a broader audience and help rack up more dough for you and your family Plus the forums can help spread your game!

Zinnia Demitasse

Oh, this might be a controversial topic but I don't like them. They may have forums that can help spread the game (although I have only seen them spread toxicity and a lot of hacked content for my author friends) but overall, the company does not treat their authors fairly. The contract you sign for your game puts far more money in their pocket than your own and while it can be argued that they do a fair amount of leg work, I would rather do that leg work for myself and take the profits of my own game. They only offer something like 25% of future sales to go to the author and I'm sorry, when I've spent over a year writing something, I don't want 75% of my work being put into the bank account of a company who shows favortism to whitewashed games and who essentially provides very little support when an actual problem does persist for an author. I think that the authors over there are talented and I would encourage any one of them to start doing a bit more research into what they are getting vs. someone who self publishes because for the majority of authors, choice is reaping the rewards of their work.