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I hope everyone has had a Happy Holiday's!

It has been a while since I wrote a development blog and I apologize profusely for that.  The holidays have cut my work time in half meaning I've only been getting about ten hours a week to work on the Night Market. It's been a bit nuts and I am feeling constantly behind.  

I am so sorry for the wonky Paper Moons schedule.  I am going to get it up this week I just am not sure when.  I think once things calm down I can get back to consistent posting once more.

As for the Night Market in general. I would say I am about 60% done with the current chapter.  There are a lot of patches that will be going into the next update too, so the weird pronoun shifts that you may have caught on Gabriel's route and some of the minor code breaks, should all be fixed.

On another note, you all know that some things went down for the Night Market in terms of pirating. I got caught up in the entire ordeal but I was by far not the one that was the main target. From what I could gather, Choice of Games authors were. I just for some reason got lumped in there despite refusing to publish with them.  I'm not sure why.

It is fixed now to the best of my ability but going forward into book 2, NSFW codes will be a bit different. But we will address that when the time arises.  As for the harassment that I was receiving on Tumblr, I know that a lot of people have been suggesting to turn my anonymous asks off but I have made the decision that I don't really want the assholes threatening me and my family, to dictate that.  Because I do receive a lot of wonderful things from anon readers and I don't want that to go away.  Thank you very much for the support that you guys have been giving me and believe me, this is all something I will be paying forward when my family is on their feet again. I know the Night Market is going to be a game changer in my household and I will one day have the ability to help others, just as you guys have helped me.  I want to thank everyone for the last eight months.  My family was threatened with this stupid piracy thing (all because I called them out) and if I didn't have such a wonderful community, I probably would have quit.  So thank you to you guys. I am hoping to get a ton more content out to you in the upcoming months and to keep this crazy ride going.

With love,



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