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We are at the end game. Holy shit we are at the end game.

I have three more chapters to write and then Book 1 is complete.  Right now, I'm considering just taking an extra week or two and writing them all out. Getting them all on paper while this excitement is thrumming through me. And then going back and implementing the choices.  It might mean that the next chapter doesn't get out to you guys until the second week of January but I think it might be a more polished final product.

Also, I want to finish this before I get too inside my head because the ending? Oh, the ending is going to be something else.

For a technical standpoint, I did update some things within the Night Market interface itself. You now have an option for a dark mode and the save screen now has a lighter text to it to hopefully make your saves show up a bit better.  I have so many plans for how I want to set up the interface for the final product but I want to save those for the copy that is bought.

Speaking of that, the game that is released on Steam, Apple and IOS will have more content. I am considering doing interludes between certain chapters. Times for you to go on dates with your RO's or just go out and get to know them as people.  They will be skipable for the people that want to just focus on the game but I think it would be a lot of fun to join in on a Milo and Hazel game night. To redesign Gabriel's office. To go to the blood bar with Belladonna and watch her in all her Belladonna glory. :)  There might also be some opportunities to speak with certain Barons a bit more, along with NPC's. Caliban anyone?

I hope everyone is doing well this month.  A lot is about to happen with the Night Market itself and I am so ready for it.




this is so exciting, good luck!


Yes! Moar Caliban!