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I'm doing some end game route coding today and then chapter nine should be off to the editors.  I didn't realize when starting this how immensely important this chapter was going to be for the end game scenario. There is one choice that was clearly going to shape the game a bit going into Book 2, but as I've been writing, I've realized it is going to make your character possibly look like a hypocrite in Book 2 if the routes are not chosen a certain way.

This is of course not to say that there is any one "right" route. I'm not about right or wrong routes. But, it is to say, that this is a weighty chapter. Remember that going forward. Especially when the end game happens.

Other than that, everything is on track this month. On a personal level, we have adjusted to being a working household once more and the new shift changes that my husband is on. Some weeks I get a lot done. Other weeks I don't.  It does force me to be productive no matter what though because I do not have the luxury of wasted work hours.

Motherhood has been a struggle the last few weeks but I think it has been an improvement in my own goals in life to see that I can do both. Be mom and be a writer.  Some days I am excelling at it and other days I just curl up in front of the fire at night and breathe.  Also, I have a hankering for snow and really wish mother nature would hurry it up already and give me some. :)

I hope everyone is doing well this first half of November! Welcome to all my new members and thank you for your support.  I can actually do Christmas shopping for the kiddos this year and that is a relief. :)




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