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Last night I pretty much finished all of Chapter nine. I still have to go in and put in variations for different RO's, but this chapter was one I had been excited to write from the beginning and may be one of the only chapters I have ever had planned out. Due to this, it was completed in two marathon work days.  I no longer know if I've just hit the jackpot stride of creativity with these chapters, or I have learned to compartmentalize so well that I'm able to write despite everything else going on in life.

That being said, this chapter is going to have a significant impact on the world and how you will be treated in Book 2. Choose your decision wisely. :)  Also, if you are romancing either Milo or Gabriel, I think both their end scenes here are very, very significant to their character arc and who they become.  The girls are going to have a moment like that come the end of chapter ten.

This one is a pretty short update. I'm mentally and emotionally tapped today but I did want you guys to know that the chapter went smoothly. It will probably not be up until December just because I like to get the monthly thing going but that will give me time to tweak if I want and get more work done on Paper Lanterns.


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