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Hey everyone!

I think I have a release date for the next chapter. It should be going up on November 2nd! So not that far away at all. There are a few more things my beta's are looking at, and I have to flesh out a few little scenes here and there, but it is pretty much done for now.

With the update comes a lot more spelling and grammar fixes through the entirety of the Night Market IF.  I'm still tweaking your Character Sheet on the sidebar and your Baron sheet so it looks pretty pathetic for now but I am really hoping that it will eventually have a bit more substance to it. LOL!

Also, just a reminder. If you are reading Paper Moons (which I am loving by the way) it does lock at the Baron tier starting November 1st.  The only reason I started it at all tiers to begin with was because I started writing it mid-month and I didn't want anyone hit with a double charge, and because I wanted to give you guys a few parts to see if it was something you liked.

And while we are on the subject of Paper Moons, I am currently revamping Paper Lanterns into twine to put out on itch.io as a full release game. Hopefully sometime around Christmas? We'll see how ambitious I get. LOL!

Hope everyone is doing well.



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