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Hello to everyone new here because wow do I have a lot of new faces and names! Thank you so much for joining me on this crazy journey.

Despite Chapter Six having just launched publically, I am well on the way to working on Chapter Seven. I almost have the cold write done.  I can tell you that this one will be a bit of a breather.  At least the second half will. And there will be two NSFW scenes within Chapter Seven and the ability to start a relationship. In fact, I am pretty certain all romance paths will be locked by the end of this next chapter.  Don't worry, I will make it clear that they are locked.

On top of that, I want to give a shout-out to a few new beta testers that I have. They have been going back through the old chapters and helping fix spelling mistakes and code errors.  They have been a wonderful addition to the Night Market and are helping make any re-reads you guys do less cringy. :)

Upcoming this week, will be a post Hazel short, and then I am going to cycle back to the start of the RO's for the October shorts.  

My husband is still on strike so I am going to continue working my butt off to keep content churned out but heads up, I might take a week or two once he goes back to work to rest these fingers of mine. LOL!

Other than that, not a ton left to update you guys on. Things are going smoothly on the writing portion of it. If you guys ever have any questions about the writing process or the game itself, please feel free to drop some comments below. I would absolutely answer them.

With love,



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