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The first portion of Chapter Five is done, along with Gabriel’s route towards the end.  This chapter is split, much like the other ones. The beginning portion is a little more on rails because I need you to go visit the Baron of the Books, but the second half is a Lantern Festival in which you can choose which RO you hang out with.  Hopefully, tonight, I can get the cold write to another route done and then add the choices in when I work Friday evening.  I want next week to start with me halfway done with this chapter.  It’s become almost a fun game to see if I can keep up with this once a month release. :)

In other news, coding is a bitch with WIP’s.  It’s like I needed to know all my coding tags from Chapter One in order for them to consistently work. I’m still struggling with that portion.  I’m someone that doesn’t do good concentrating with a lot of sound though so it could just be my life is not conducive to sitting and typing in and creating code. I’m getting there though.

Other than that, not a lot to update. I have two more shorts written for Patreon this month that will be in the Velvet Guard tier. I need to get caught up on my Tumblr asks because they are getting intense.

On the more personal level here, the kids are finally all over whatever dreaded cold we had.  Holy cow that was a lot of me sleeping on the couch with a baby on me. My husband works graveyard, so it was a brutal few weeks.  Back to school for the older kids is going to be starting soon. I’m both excited and not excited for that.  I like the quiet that comes with two less kids in the house, but I hate the constant coming and going that happens. Plus, I have been really enjoying my Stranger Things night with my teens. We’ve been fixing Eggo’s for desert and staying up late.  I hope they turn into the kind of adults who still come over and occasionally do that crap with me. LOL!

That is it for this week! I hope everyone is doing good out there. The struggle bus of this world is all too real, and I’m kind of over it. So, to anyone going through it right now, I’m sending you my love and support.




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