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Chapter Five is underway! I’m so sorry for the lack of updates here.  Everyone in my house except my oldest and my husband, got this terrible chest cold.

Chapter Four’s writing experience was a different one for me.  Having two distinct routes and having to figure out how to balance the information in each was a little hard to do, but I think there is something interesting within each route.  I want the routes to feel different from each other, give new information and in general, feel like a different experience.  I think this helps with replayability, even if you are not romancing anyone.

We are coming up on the decisions of whether or not we are going to enter into a romantic arc with people. This does not mean that if you enter a romantic arc, you will immediately jump their bones.  LOL! I’ll be making a tumblr post about that later.

For this week, I’ve got an ambitious list going.  Already, I have finished the beginning portion of Chapter Five in what I call the cold write. If you are new here, cold writes are when I just put the route out on paper without choices.  I then go back during my reread and place choices in where it seems logical. It streamlines my writing and keeps my brain from feeling like it’s going to explode.

I also did a cold write of Gabriel’s route, and it turned out much different towards the end than I expected, and I am living for it. He has always been my struggle character, so to have his voice come through so clear finally was a breath of fresh air.

I am going to try and knock out all my Patreon shorts this week after my kids go to bed. I want to start writing four a month. Two for the ten tier and two for the fifteen.  On top of that, I want to go back in and put in my choices for my cold writes, so I can get them to the beta testers.

So, essentially, it is going to be a long ass week of writing but after being sick for nearly two weeks I’m excited to get back to it.


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