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A/N This is post Chapter Three, assuming the MC is romancing Belladonna.

A flurry of wings blew across the market, winding through the back alleys and across the mirrors, until they landed on the raised platform above the fashion district.  Belladonna sat in a velvet lined chair as if she hadn’t just burst through in a rage, her legs crossed, one pale leg exposed to the lantern filled air.  Feebus took one look at her and poured her a healthy glass of wine before coming to sit by her side.

“The wonderful Ms. Malady. Twice in one day,” he said, tipping his own glass towards her. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Belladonna’s face was carefully composed. A mask of beauty and elegance that was not rivaled within the market. “Your company is irreplaceable, Feebus. I felt as if we didn’t get a chance to share it at all today.”  Beneath them, the sounds of the district rang out. A cacophony of late night shoppers.  The darker the lanterns got, the rowdier the runways became.  Belladonna was almost certain there was a show tonight.

“I had a lovely evening drinking with dear Milo,” Feebus said. “The boy has certainly come a long way from being the button boy down in my shop.”

Belladonna hummed in agreement but wasn’t listening. As Feebus regaled her of his time within the bar with his young lad, her thoughts turned elsewhere. To a new little dear heart that she needed to shake. She was supposed to be charging.  The paltry amount of money she took from them today was mere pocket change. It was enough to create an excuse, however. One in which Belladonna knew was weak. Yet still.  Their blood smelled sweet. Sweeter than any other blood she had sampled. And for the first time in a long while, Belladonna wanted to feed.

“You’re not listening, beautiful,” Feebus interrupted.  He knew how these evenings normally went..

Belladonna’s eyes dragged to him. “Apologies, darling. It has been a trial of a day. I have a terrible nephew running my business into the ground and I must recoup the profits.  I was thinking a gala of some sort. Perhaps something that would benefit us both?”

Feebus looked at her for a long moment before setting his wine glass aside. “Is that what you truly came here for?”

“I came for your company,” she said. Leaning forward she squeezed his hand. “You in fact, look lonely, Feebus. I was hoping I could offer you my services this evening.”

“How much?” he asked, considering.

“We will simply put it on your charge tab.”

They both heard the giggles from the onlookers all around.  Belladonna and Feebus had always made a handsome pair.  The rumors about the beauties were flung far and wide within the market itself.  There was always someone lurker, wondering just what the two fiery red heads got up to with each other. Especially when their cheeks were flushed with such desire, as they were now.

“I think we could arrange that,” Feebus purred.

Feebus held out his hand and Belladonna took it coyly, sipping at her wine. The two of them slipped behind a heavy beaded curtain near the back of the platform and into a large room filled with brightly woven fabrics and candles on every surface.

When the curtain fell shut, Feebus looked at Belladonna sternly.  “Speak.”

Belladonna slumped into the nearest chair. “Are you silencers up?”

“Of course they are. Now speak,” he demanded.

She slouched back in her chair, her face pensive.  “I am afraid I am becoming enamored,” she whispered.

“Belladonna, you have always been enamored with a certain individual.” This was not news and was now a yearly situation they had to address. Especially after larger events where she was forced to be in the room with the object of her obsession.

She shook her head. “It’s the one I brought here today, Feebus. Not– not him. I cannot explain it. I have no feelings towards this new little one, other than a slight twinge of protection.  But I know what happens when I hear the call of blood. They are a curiosity that I cannot seem to shake and that concerns me.”

Feebus thought back to the muse he had dressed. The way that Belladonna’s eyes had followed them. “It does not need to be concerning.”

She laughed at that. “Yes it does. It should be the most concerning, in fact.”


Her eyes narrowed, fangs bared. “You know why.”

“Do not bring your anger into my home, Belladonna Malady. It is not wanted or accepted here.” His voice was a boom that made the curtains waft in fear. Belladonna only looked mildly chastised.

As the wind and heat settled around them, Feebus looked at her sternly. “Are you in love?”

Belladonna snorted in laughter. “Vampires do not love.”

“You did once.”

She turned away at that, arms crossed over her chest.  When a blanket settled across her lap, she startled though. Feebus took one of the thick woven ones she liked and placed it across her.

“Your style is impeccable but every time I look at you, I get cold.”

She smiled. “Says the man with no shirt.”

Pulling up an ottoman in front of her, Feebus lowered himself down onto it.  “I am sorry for being short with you.”

“It is alright. You know how I need it at times.” Belladonna needed that power to settle across her at times. Remind her that she did not need to fly apart.

“Explain your concerns, darling.” Leaning forward, he tucked a stray piece of hair back behind her ear.  His wayward girl. Feebus had always had a soft spot for her. Even before she had the fangs.

“We both know how it ended the last time the blood sang so loud,” she whispered. “I do not wish to make the same mistakes again.  And with this new one, this precious little sweetling, all I wish is to take them close to me and spill the blood of anyone else that taints their scent.”

“But you do not have feelings for them?”

She frowned. “No. Though, if this is anything like before, feelings have a pesky way of sneaking up on me when I least expect it.” Looking up towards Feebus, her eyes glittering, she swallowed thickly. “I do not want to love again.”

It was a point in which they would never agree. Feebus loved freely in this world. He had the hearts of two women, and they had his own.  Love was something that made him strive for more. Do better in the world. Wish to see the next day. Love was worth every breath that he took.  For her to shy away from it was a disservice to her and to the ones that she could call her own.

Sighing, he shook his head. “Then I am afraid, your only option, is to stay away.  But Belladonna, you must know that it is not a disparagement on your character, to fall in love.”

“No,” she said softly. “It is only a disparagement on them.”

He heard her voice crack despite her face remaining a beautiful porcelain.. “Oh sweet girl. Come here.”

Wrapping her up in his embrace, he felt her sigh against his chest.  There was nothing that he could say to her that he hadn’t told her a thousand times. In the end, Belladonna was a stubborn woman, and had her mind made up before anyone else even knew what the issue was.  He did not envy the facade she had to keep.  Not at all.

“How would you like me to help?” he asked her gently.

She did not look up at him, not wishing to display the emotion that she knew was raw across her face.

“Tea would be lovely,” she said softly.  “And perhaps a book.”

Feebus laughed.  “Would you like to read here or are you headed to the book district.”

“I’ll head to the district.  You have had a long night as well and your wives will be arriving home soon. Spend the eve with them.”

“You are always invited, Belladonna.”

She smiled at him softly.  “And your heart is too tender for strong-willed women showing their weakness.”

Tipping her chin up, Feebus shook his head. “Tears are never a weakness.”

She swallowed thickly but nodded all the same.

With a thermos of tea in hand, she bid Feebus goodnight and began wandering towards the book district. The Baron was a mean little cusp who was cruel to anyone that even tried to touch his wares. He had taken a liking to her though, long long ago, and Belladonna may have been the only one allowed within his library walls.  Sitting in her favorite spot in solitude for a while sounded like the perfect cure to get her head on straight.

But then, the air shifted.  It was subtle at first. Just a minor twinge. But it was on the wind like a fine lace. Another door had opened.

When a flurry of wings beat through the night air again, Belladonna disappeared. In her place, was only a steaming thermos, sitting alone within the now abandoned streets. The call of blood could wait.  The matter of love could be forgotten entirely.  The only thing Belladonna cared for at this moment in time, was the pain the Night Market felt, as it was torn open once more.


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