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I feel bad that these development blogs are not more frequent but I am struggling to find things to say other than “I’m working on this chapter”. LOL

Essentially, Chapter Four was a slow start. A very slow start. My kids are home for the summer, my baby is popping all the teeth, and I am still trying to figure out how my work balance and home balance can co-exist.  I know that the advice is to take it easy and be kind to myself but I have always been a much more ambitious person.  I need that mental stimulation. When I don’t get it, oh boy am I not a fun person to be around. Ask my husband and best friend.  They oftentimes kick me into going and writing just so I’m not a stress case.

However, I can now safely say I am about 70% done with Chapter Four. And surprisingly, Belladonna was my absolute favorite to write.  I have been struggling to connect with her in a way that the words flowed from my fingers and this time around, she jumped off the page. Apparently, we just need to get her away from her job and allow her to be the take charge woman she is and BAM, I got it.

Ironically, though Gabriel is a fan favorite, he is my toughest to write.  I decided to do his route first this time, instead of saving it for last, and I think that actually helped everything  along much more.

So, this weekend, here is my hope. I have the cold write done for the Milo and Hazel route.  I am going to go back and add all my choices. There are quite a few little bugs that have bee reported that I want to get up to.  I got another beta tester so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the editing is going to go smoothly, and, with any luck, Chapter Four will be out before the end of next week.

I hope everyone is enjoying their July.  If there is anything you would like to see in these blogs, please drop a comment below.  Half the time I feel like I’m doing a weekly journal update with you guys and I swear my life is not that interesting.




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