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This week was much more productive than the last.  I was able to get all of Milo's route done last Thursday. I stayed up all night to do it but it got done.  Hazel's was finished up early yesterday afternoon and already, Belladonna's route is about a third of the way done. 

I also reformatted the Patreon tiers to include the post Chapter stories you guys love as opposed to just "snippets".  We also have the addition of art when available. 

On the list for this next week:

          Finish Belladonna's route

          Get a good chunk of Gabriel's done if not completely done

           Start my edits.

What this means is if everything does go according to plan, we are looking at releasing this for Patreon somewhere between the 25th to the 27th.  The only thing I could see delaying me is a coding issue.

Fingers crossed!




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