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When it rains it pours.  I have gotten nothing done that I set out to do so I'm afraid not much has changed from my last development blog. But between a transmission blowing out on our commuter car, medical bills rearing their ugly head, my entire family being sick, and now a teething baby who is beside herself because it is starting to get hot here? Our house has been a place of absolute turmoil and not conducive to any sort of creative process.

Thankfully, I have a husband who is taking tomorrow off work.  Meaning, I'm pulling an all nighter tonight. I know. I know. I'm on my own timetable and my own schedule and there is no need.  But, the creative process, doing this kind of thing, is helpful to me.  And I am driven. I am driven for this to be my eventual career. I am driven for this to be my future. To show my kids that this life is possible. You may have to work your ass off and do odd things you never thought you would be doing to make the time for your work, but it is possible.

So, while not much to update on the progress of the story, I am here to tell you all that I am not stopping. The absolute cluster fuck that has befallen on this family is not enough to stop me.  :) Which means that when life settles, I am going to be an unstoppable force. And I look forward to showing all of you that.

Thank you to all my supporters. I cannot tell you how many times you all have made me smile. 




Poppy Moreaux

May your all nighter be blessed with coffee and a weighty word count namaste 😻😻😻

Zinnia Demitasse

Thank you, you guys! So far it is going well! Just finished the coding for a "shopping" spree with Milo. AKA... where you end up stealing things and running. LOL