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This week is certainly not shaping up to how I had hoped. I had grand plans for the Chapter to be done by the end of the week, but now it is looking more like early to mid next week. Which is fine, I would rather it be more polished for all of you, but it was a disappointment.  Coding is an awful monster that looms in nearly each passage, and I naively made everything about ten times harder for myself by having so much variation in Chapter One that needed to be coded into Chapter Two. I know I'm not going to catch all of it, but I'm hoping to catch a vast majority.

On the schedule for this week:

ALL OF THE CODING - Seriously, I am in coding hell.  I am going back through the story now and trying to code in who you escaped the bail block with and little bits of flavor text to try and personalize your experience.

From there, I am hoping to add a bit more to Milo's route because it feels oddly short.

Then do a quick run through of the game myself to make sure there are no blinding errors.  

I really am hopeful that this will be out early next week, guys. Then I can focus on the shorts for the Patreon.  I'm also planning a small giveaway for all my Patreon followers. Hopefully it will drive some more foot traffic here for more participation. Stay tuned for those details, but I thought it would be cute for the winner to receive something from Hazel's shop. :)

I hope everyone is doing well!  I cannot wait to share the next chapter with you all and see what you think.




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