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So I am a bit late with this blog because I started writing Chapter Two and have not been able to stop.  Everything lined up in my schedule to where I got some good chunks of time and am already cranking away at the first branch I had planned.

I'm not going to lie, writing Chapter One was a mess.  I wrote it in sections, tried to connect the sections, tried to keep each storyline straight at the same time.  It was a nightmare to try and go through and connect so I wanted to start Chapter Two differently.

So, I began writing it like I would any standard story. No breaks. Let's just get it all out on the page.  I'm beginning with Milo's arc because he is one of the easiest for me, and I'm just writing it without options.  I can then go back, add in the options when they make sense, and branch off from there.  I feel like this will streamline the process and allow me a lot more time dedicated to actually writing the story as opposed to trying to figure out which branch goes where.

On the list for the rest of the week:

I would love love love to finish this arc this week. Will it happen? Probably not, but it is a lofty goal. :)

I got all my edits back for Chapter One and want to go in and do a massive update.

I am still trying to find a code to put an enter button in where your name is to make it easier for people on mobile to play.

There were a few concerns about pronoun placements that I want to address, but I don't think I'll get to it this week.


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