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With the demo released, I have had a lot of great feedback. I can honestly say I was nervous as hell to release what I did. One, because I have never been good at putting my own work out there for the masses.  Two, because this has honestly been a big debate within my household of whether or not we can afford for me to do this (I'm on the side of fearing we cannot. My husband is a cheerleader).  And finally three, because I was worried my concept was going to be looked over.  But, here we are! Chapter One down, and Chapter Two in development.  I cannot be more excited.

This week is going to be a slower week of work.  I need a rest after that last push. However, I am setting up a discord for some beta readers, so hopefully we have my mistakes under control.

The goal for the continuation of this week is as follows:

Decide how many paths I will have within Chapter Two

Figure out which MC customization options I want to add within the chapter itself. I want the character locked after this chapter.

Continue working on Paper Lanterns and fleshing all that out as the backstory to the Night Market.

Start looking into commissioning more art of our RO's.

Outline a new short for patreon access only. I want to make your investments worth it. :)

Otherwise, a little bit of a slower week news wise here.  Just happy to have the demo out and playable and all broken links fixed.




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