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Tomorrow is the release of the demo, and damn am I nervous on levels that I never believed.  However, I stand by my concept, and I am excited to share this story with you all and see where it goes from here.

What you can expect:

The demo itself is a little over 91,000 words. This is the combination of an Introduction and Chapter One. That being said, there are several paths you can go down, so your individual paths might feel a bit short. I felt it was more important to explore during this phase though for you, as the reader, to get to know my writing style, and to explore the world your MC has been dropped in.

All four romance options will be present within the demo, though possibly not in the path that you take.  Heads up now, Belladonna is a cameo, but she will become a big focus in Chapter Two.

Design your MC’s hair color, eye color, skin type and height in this run through. Along of course with your sexuality. Just because you choose your sexual preference, does not mean you will start a romance with any one of the characters within the demo.

What I hope to see from here

I have BIG plans for this story. Very big plans. I would love to in the upcoming weeks add a status bar for your personality.  I also want ways for you to earn money within the Night Market.

Along with that, I would love to code a health bar and potentially give you an inventory for small items you will pick up from your love interests along the way.

The demo:

I am very hopeful that this will be something big. I cannot wait to hear what everyone thinks and I am looking forward to developing this along with all of you.  Thank you for your continued support. I eagerly await hearing from you.


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