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Authors Note: NSFW work. Please only read if you are 18+

The prompt this month is C for Cum. (dear lord what is my life)

Belladonna -

“More?” Bella whispered.  She was behind me, hands between my legs. “Do you like that pet?”

“We are supposed to be having a serious conversation,” I gasped. She had bombarded me the second I entered the room.

“Oh,” she pouted, “is this not serious enough for you? Well, let’s just take it up a notch, shall we?” Flipping me around, she tossed me to my back, slowly making her way down my body. The silver piercings she wore through each nipple made her breasts look puffy and swollen. The cool feel of metal against my skin and she slid them down my belly sent a shiver down my spine.

“How about,” she whispered, “I just go in for a little taste instead.” I saw the second her fangs came out, two pearl white points. My breath caught in my throat as I widened my thighs, feeling all the blood begin to pool just where she wanted it to. “Would you like that?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Are you sure?” She ran a finger across me, slowly picking up a slick bit of moisture before popping her finger in her mouth and sucking it dry.  I moaned loudly, flinging my head back. “Oh, my dear heart. You look flushed. Should we stop?”


A sharp slap sounded against my thigh. “Manners,” she said. “Now, say please, mistress. Please let me cum.”

I couldn’t breathe. As her fangs scraped against my skin I felt like I was going to black out.  I tried to push myself against her face but she held me fast.

“Say it,” she demanded.

“Please, mistress,” I gasped. “Please let me cum.”

Belladonna didn’t answer. She never gave me permission. But at the first feel of her fangs in my thigh and the pull of her sucking against the sensitive skin, I felt myself tip overboard with a scream.

Gabriel -

The frown upon Gabriel’s face was not one that was out of place, given that he was sitting behind his desk, paperwork messed up in front of him. The fact that the paperwork, and his lower abdomen, was covered in sticky, white cum, was maybe a different story.

“I’m sorry,” I laughed.

“I do not believe you are.” His cock was still twitching against his belly.

“I didn’t realize you were so close,” I protested. I was kneeling in front of him, my jaw sore and spit soaking my own chin.  I had maybe pulled off a little too soon which resulted in a certain spray getting literally all over the place. Including his uniform.

“I do not have a spare pair of trousers due to the last time this happened.”

I bit the inside of my cheek. This was not funny. This was really not funny. “Right. That time was not an accident but this time completely was.”

“Those reports on my desk are missive for personal security. How am I supposed to go back and ask them to redo their paperwork?”

Reaching forward, I wrapped my hand around his sensitive flesh.  “You should probably just fulfill their request.” He slapped my hand away, standing.  He was a complete mess, the papers sticking together as if they were glued, and all I could think as I looked at him, was how much I loved making this buttoned up kind of man, extremely messy.

“We should probably go shower,” I suggested. 

He sighed, shoving himself back inside his pants.  “Is that a demand?”


“Good, then in return, I will be making you scream as I take you from behind.” Heat jolted through me as I watched him get hard again.  “Please,” he added. Because Gabriel, even covered in cum, was nothing but polite.

Milo -


Milo gritted his teeth, clutching the headboard as he tried to pull away. I wrapped my legs around him tight, pulling him deeper inside me. I watched as his eyes fluttered, his face red with exertion.  

“Fuck fuck fuck!”  The headboard creaked as he hit it hard, hips snapping forward uncontrollably. When his body froze, a desperate moan escaping him, I held him tight. Warmth flooded me as he ground against me hard, before collapsing against my chest and panting into my neck. “Fuck,” he whimpered.

I laughed, carding my fingers through his hair. “That was unusual for you.” Milo rarely came that quick. He prided himself on being able to go for long periods of time and yet we had barely gotten started.

“Everything okay in there?”

MIlo groaned into my neck at the sound of Mal’s voice. “Yeah, Milo just had some premature ejaculation.”  The proceeding cackle from the kitchen had me smiling while it had Milo trying to dig himself deeper into my body.

“No, I didn’t cum. I’m gonna go again, alright? Just give me two seconds.” His cock fell out of me with a slippery pull. He was completely flaccid. “Maybe five seconds.”

“Milo, it’s okay. This sometimes happens.”

“Not to me,” he cried. “It’s just– it’s been a while.”

“It’s been about two days,” I pointed out, trying to keep my amusement to a minimum.

“Two days too long,” he grumbled.  I could feel his breath start to even out, his body getting heavy against mine. “Just let me sleep for two minutes. Then I’ll ravish you. You won’t walk straight for at least a week.”

“Okay,” I said, patting him on the back. He held me like his own personal body pillow and was asleep within seconds.

Hazel -

“What are you doing?”

Hazel jumped, turning around and greeting me with her curvaceous nude body.  “Nothing,” she said quickly. Which clearly meant something.

“You weren’t in bed.” I had fallen asleep soon after a surprise round of lovemaking. The moon had been bright and Hazel had ground down on top of me with candles burning all around us. At some point, in the height of passion, I heard her chanting something. Before I could say anything, my pleasure heightened until I was bowed off the bed, screaming loud enough to send the wisps scattering. I had blacked out after that.

And now, Hazel was naked in front of a cauldron.

“Hazel,” I said softly.  “I’m kind of assuming you’re doing some sort of witchy thing. And that’s fine. Love that. But, uh–”

“I’m sorry,” she broke.  “I stole the essence of your orgasm to make a tonic. I thought it would be a great aphrodisiac for you and a way to save a part of you in case you wanted to have children one day. Not that we’re going to have children. Not unless you want. But I wanted to save some and, well, I was going to put a little in your tea and my tea if you wanted to have some heightened pleasure. I wasn’t going to sell it to anyone!”

I blinked at her.

“What?” It was the most used word in my vocabulary.  Hazel had a way of just catching me off guard. Constantly.

“I know,” she cried.

“Are you– What?”

“I was going to tell you before I doused you with your own…” she trailed off, blushing “Cum.”

Slowly, I walked up to her, placing my hands on her shoulders. Maybe once I would have freaked out about this. But after years of her antics, I found them kind of charming at this point. “I don’t want to drink my own anything,” I told her solemnly. “And our sex life is fine.”

“You promise?” she sniffled.

“Yes. You strange, strange woman.”

“So you don’t want to finish the ritual?”

I sighed. “How do you finish the ritual?”

“We get in the cauldron together and twine our naked bodies together until our pleasure is so pure and heightened that we feel the aftershocks for days.”

I stared at her. We were finishing the ritual.


“You don’t like dirty talk, do you.”

Malcolm looked up from the stove where he had a kettle of tea boiling.  “Random question of the day, huh Lamplight?”

I shrugged. “Not really. I just want to make sure I’m not crossing any boundaries. And considering that I’ve been with Milo and I know how much that man talks…”

“Ah,” he said with a knowing smile, taking the kettle from the stove. “So you want to know how I handled it when I was in bed with Mr. Chatty Gabby for most of my youth.”

“Yes, actually,” I laughed. “It seems odd to me.”

He poured two cups of tea, walking over to me and handing me one. I sat at the little bar in the kitchenette, the rising steam from the green tea swirling between us.  Sitting next to me, he turned, bumping his knees against mine.

“Here’s the thing,” he said. “Sex is… different for me. It’s more about my partner. Getting to know them in a way that they wouldn’t necessarily show to others. And I’m not talking about a quick fuck.” His fingers began slowly tracing small circles against my knee, traveling up and down my thigh in feather light touches.  

“One night stands and the bullshit that a lot of the younger crowd does, not something that interests me.  What I find sexy is seeing someone unravel.” His voice went soft and smooth, dipping down into that warm honey tone that made me weak in the knees. “I want to be completely consumed by the moment.  I don’t like sex just for a release. I like sex for the all consuming passion that is there. That out of control moment where you don’t know if you are going to live or die. You don’t need words for that. I think there is something far more superior about connecting with someone through touch. Sensation.” Reaching up, his hand threaded up through my hair, cupping the back of my skull. “So no, while I don’t care if dirty talk is involved, it’s what comes when I can make you non verbal, that I far more appreciate.”

I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry.  

“Drink your tea, Lamplight.”



I need to sit down after reading Mal’s 😮‍💨


Mal makes me Speechless