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 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I just want to thank you all for supporting me for the past year!!

I'm only just new but  I can't believe I just reached my first goal by the end of the year XD thank you so much!! I'll continue on improving myself and think of more rewards for you guys. hahaha

So what should we draw for January? (I'm kinda thinking of Videogame characters... hahaha)



Happy New Year :D (Also can never go wrong with video game hunks)


Off the top of my head, someone I don't see enough of: Gilgamesh from Civilization 6 version.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :) !! Oooh so many sexy guys in games ^^ ! Chris Redfield, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Gladio ^^ , Ryu etc... ^^


I just became a patreon have you already sent the rewards for this month?


not yet XD I'm still gathering suggestions for this month hahaha and THANK YOU haha!!! >u


Ah nice btw is there any way to get the past rewards


I think you can already see the earlier ones from November onwards hahah


thank you one more question how do i open and view the sai files

Grayson Voyeur

always happy to support great artists. thanks for yr work this year and woohoo for the upcoming [now current!] one!


Thank you Grayson XD hahah I'll keep on practicing to make better drawings for you guys haha