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A small village was best by a FIRE breathing red dragon! It was carrying away their livestock! Befouling the lake! And soon, the villagers feared their maidens may be next! It's a good thing the Harlot Knight was happening along! She knew exactly what this dragon needed, and how to help it  release a little...tension. 

Sophie, the Harlot Knight was created by Amanda Clover.

Twitter X @amandasmut





Sophie saves the day again! It turns out the Dragon just needed some Cumpanionship and he turns into a pretty decent dude.

David Rudisill

Not a new Disney film, "How to Drain Your Dragon." "Little Harlot Knight dear, / Loved that rascal Puff, / She'd lick the head and stroke the shaft, / To make him shoot his thick white stuff." SINCERE apologies to Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul, and Mary, but I just had to parody that children's song I grew up singing when I was a wee lad in the 1970's. Nice work on H.K. resorting to means other than violence to calm that ornery fella down.