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I've been putting this reminder in pretty much everything I've posted in the last month, but just to be sure, I want to remind everyone that in OCTOBER I will be increasing the Milky Way Spacer Pledge level from $3 to $5. I will not do this till AFTER all of September's pledges have gone through. So if you do not want to continue subscribing to this channel after October, feel free to cancel your subscription now. You will still be charged the $3 pledge you joined at, at the end of this month.

This change will NOT affect the Space Cadet level supporters, who have pledged $1. If you are a Milky Way Spacer, and you don't want to put in $5, but you still want to support me, you can always level down to Space Cadet. You will no longer be able to participate in and see Monthly Pinups, Full Color Comics, or get Titty Tuesday art a day early, but you will get the weekly comic in Black and White. 

Thank you to EVERYONE who has decided to join my patreon, at whichever level. I would not be able to do this without you! 



David Rudisill

Two dollars more?! Denkst du ich bin ein Dukatenkacker?! [Do you think I shit money?!] Kidding, of course, I'm good for it in order to see all the mega titty goodness of your stories and the familiar faces like Mrs. Boobalickski.


Let's test your 80' movie knowledge. "I want my two dollars!"