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Don't let your Hucows run low on Mana! Be sure to fill them up every day!

I've been getting some requests for WiPs, or process pictures, and I'm always happy to oblige! As you can see here, I started this page as a hand drawing in ink on manila paper. After YEARS of experimentation, I've learned it's the right one for me. After scanning them and bringing them into photoshop, I draw the pencils.

I didn't like what I had originally planned for the last panel, so I whipped up a new pose and just used my computer camera to take a snap. I held it a bit too close, that's why it's all blurry. :P



David Rudisill

Lube up and start filling her up with your mana, dude! Beats sticking your entire arm up her butt to diagnose the problem. I love it when problems like this can be solved with sex. Great work, and they'll be calling HIM Dr. Love instead of just Gene Simmons of KISS.

Cee Double U

First day of orientation is always the hardest (pun intended) but I DO enjoy seeing your WIPs!!