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Chapter 1 – Baseball

It all began that night when a baseball game was out. Stephen was sitting on the couch in front of TV. Ready to enjoy the game.

That evening, however, his parents had sent his younger sistee, Eleanor to him.

Stephen had lived alone for some time and was a big sports fan, he watched a lot of sports and, yes, that meant he spent a lot of time in front of the TV.

That evening, however, his parents had sent his sister to him. Eleanor was no longer the age to need a babysitter but her parents were very apprehensive and if they went out they would rather send her to Stephen than leave her alone at home.

Stephen hoped to be able to watch the game in peace while his sister sat in another room doing homework or whatever, but instead she showed up in front of the couch just minutes before the start.

"Stephen, can I watch TV?"

"Sure, Ellie, do you want to watch the game with me?"

"I don't like watching the game, tonight there’s a show I always watch.

"Well, then you'll have to watch it on the TV in the kitchen."

“But the TV is too small and it uncomfortable there, come on let me watch it here and you watch the game in the kitchen."

"No way, this is my house, and I watch the game wherever I want."

"Come on, don't be an a%%*ole."

"Eleanor! Don’t talk to me like that,  I'm your big brother."

"It's not fair, though. Why don’t we wager? Whoever wins watches on the big TV."

"That's fine, as long as we do it quickly. The game will start soon."

"I'll let you decide the challenge."

"Okay, let's see..."

Stephen had to think of something where Eleanor could not win easily, but he could not challenge her to something where she would lose too blatantly, or she will realise it’s a trap. So it occurred to him that his sister had started working out.

"Look, Eleanor. Do you still work out?"

Excellent, Stephen thought. She was very proud, so all he would need to do was tease her a little to get her to accept the challenge he had thought.

"Why don't we then do a challenge that combines baseball and the gym? Like, no, no, that wouldn't be fair."

"What? Come on, speak up!"

"But no, it's impossible for you to do something like that, so let's drop it."

"What is impossible for me? Look, I can do anything." Eleanor said, pounding her chest fiercely with her fist.

"Well, maybe it's kind of a silly idea, but... let's say i let you watch TV if your biceps are bigger than... a baseball!"

"A baseball?"

“Yes, You can use my weights if you want to pump up a bit.”

Even though he had been training for some time, he could never have had muscles that big. Maybe Stephen had been cruel  but sports were too important to him!

"How big is a baseball?"

"Um... well, about 23 cm" Stephen said, he snickered

"Oh. Well, then i don't need to pump"
Eleanor replied as she pulled up the sleeve of her left arm to her shoulder. She flexed the muscle immediately afterward, and, unbelievable but true, her bicep was really big, maybe really like a baseball!

Stephen had to look for a tape measure, and quickly, otherwise he would miss the start of the game.

"So let's see. 22.9 cm."

"Come on, you say that because you don't want to admit I won. It's 23 cm!"

"Sorry, it's 22.9 cm."

Stephen was seriously impressed, the centimeter measured 23 cm, but I certainly didn't want to admit defeat.

"All right, then why don't you measure my right arm, which is my strongest one?"

She flexed the other bicep as well, and the brother was forced to measure it. This time he could not lie. This time he was not aiming exactly at 23 as before, but he was almost up to 23.1 cm. He had to admit defeat, and let her watch her program. He watched the game in the kitchen, and it was not the same.

He was amazed, though; he had a really strong little sister. Who would have expected that?

Chapter 2 – Handball

After that night Stephen did not see Eleanor for a few months, until their parents entrusted her to him again.

There was a game tonight too. This time it was handball.

Although not the most popular game in the world, but Stephen was crazy about it.

When Eleanor arrived, she was wearing a heavy jumper, but you could still see her muscular arms! She had gotten much bigger than last time. This time, curious about her improvements, he offered her the challenge.

"Listen...do you remember the last time challenge?”

"The one you lost?"

"Come on, don't twist the knife. Anyway, yes, that one. Would you like to do it again?"

"But now I'm much more muscular than before."

"I know, i can clearly see. So this time, you'll win if your biceps are bigger than the ball from today's game."

"What game is it?"

"Handball. And handballs has various sizes, ranging from 48 to 60 cm."

As he finished speaking, he realized he was exaggerating. Her arms were now much bigger then 23 cm. How did she train them to be twice as big then before?

"Um, can I pump myself up a little?"

"Sure. You have... 10 minutes before the game starts."

"Okay, I'll be back”

She was confident. And, curious enough that he couldn't wait 10 minutes, Stephen went to spy on her. He arrived that she was already lifting a barbell weighing who knows how many pounds. She was going up and down with her arms like it weighed nothing. He noticed that the shirt on her - very swollen - biceps was ripping! And it did! Those biceps were monstrously large!

Bewildered by what he had seen Stephen went back to the couch and Eleanor, beaming, showed up after only 6 minutes.

"I'm ready big brother."

"Okay, let me see."

She pulled up her now torn sleeves and flexed those mountains she called biceps. He was dumbfounded for a few seconds until his sister snap him out of it, adjusting the tape around her arm by herself.

"Ah, yes. Here let's see... 61 cm...!!!"

Those biceps were the size of a handball! In fact more! Stephen had seen those monsters swell up, and straining very hard in his imagination had imagined they could reach the smaller handball, but instead Eleanor had just outgrown the larger version.

Stephen was stunned, as if mesmerized by such muscular superiority he reached out his hand to touch his sister's biceps.

"Pretty hard huh? And look at my legs."

Ellie slapped the quads, granite-like and big.

"Touch them too if you want!"

And Stephen didn’t need to be asked twice, feeling his sister's mighty thighs with his hands. Then he shyly asked her to see her abs as well, and she consented by raising her shirt exposing 8 cubes of pure diamond. That girl was amazing!

Stephen agreed that his sister could watch what she wanted on TV; he would watch the game in the kitchen. The fact was that the TV did not want to work, so he went back to the living room and told Eleanor that he would watch TV with her. She was watching a horror movie.

"Do you like these kinds of movies? Won't you get scared? I don't want to hear from Mom and Dad if you don't sleep when you come home."

"Come on, my friends have all seen it! Stay here with me to see it and I promise I won't be afraid!"

Stephen relented, after all he adored his sister, and sat down next to her.
The movie actually scared her several times, and Eleanor hugged her brother, and as she did he felt her very muscular shoulders and very broad back.

After the movie, while they waited for Mom and Dad, she asked if she could work out, again, in the room she had used earlier in the evening.

“You really do like to work out, don’t you?”

"Oh, yes, I love it. Being able to lift such exaggerated weights, it makes me feel powerful! I love my muscles. I want to be the strongest girl in the world."

"Don't you feel like you're overdoing it?"

"Not at all. Look at the results!"

She flexed both biceps, a wonderful sight!

"Are you jealous?"

Of course not, why should I?"

"Because you are the elder."

"Bah, I don't care. I have different interests."

Parents then arrived to take Eleanor back, leaving Stephen with his sister's muscles, attitude and words in his mind.

Chapter 3 - Soccer

It was a long time before the two could see each other again. Before Stephen was annoyed when he was saddled with his sister now, he was actually looking forward to seeing his new accomplishments in the gym! He decided, therefore, to visit his parents one day when there was a soccer game, under the pretext of seeing her together with his dad, but in his mind it was time for a new challenge!

When Stephen arrived he immediately saw that Eleanor had definitely gotten bigger!

It was time to ask her if her biceps were capable of rivaling a soccer!

The problem was that Stephen was so embarrassed to ask her in front of her parents . But his worries were useless, because it was Eleanor herself who proposed the challenge.

"Hey, big brother. How about a challenge of our own? Tonight is the soccer game. If I can prove to you that I have biceps as big as a soccer ball, we’ll all watch the movie I will choose. If I can't, we'll watch the game."

"But if you ask me, that means you already know you're going to win." Stephen replied, not hiding a certain excitement.

"So you don't accept?"

"No, I totally accept. But you won't have time to pump yourself this time, okay?"

"And what's the problem?"

Saying that sentence, he began to pull up the sleeves of his shirt to his shoulders.

At that point he fired without any preparation an outstanding impressive double flex! Stephen measured his biceps.

"66 cm-I'm sorry, but soccer balls are 70 cm." Said the boy with Some disappointment. Seeing his sister so convinced, he hoped his biceps were actually 70 cm big.

"Isn't it 70? Well, just wait and see."

And without hesitation Eleanor redrew her arms and with more strength flexed her mighty arms again. Her biceps had reached 68 cm! She then did it again to 70 cm!

"Almost there!!!"

He strained visibly to get to 72 cm!!!

"You are really outstanding! It won't take you long to get to having biceps like basketballs!"

"Refresh my memory, how big are basketballs?"

"78 cm."

"Good, good. Then let's do this: how about one last bet? In just one week's time, I'll prove to you that my biceps can get 78 cm big--in fact, 80!"

"One week?! That’s not enough time. I'm likely to win. And by the way, whats the wager?”

"Good question... let's see... ah, yes! If I win, you will accompany me wherever I want for a month. I will call you, and you will have to snap to me to take me wherever I want. And don't worry, I won't call you during working hours, but in my free time--I'll be in charge!!!"

"That can be done. What if I win?"

"What do you propose?"

"Um...if I win...you'll come over more often to watch TV. I miss you little sister."

"Oh, I love you, big brother!" replied Eleanor, squinting her big eyes.

Chapter 4: Basketball

And so Eleanor began to practice not only for the sake of it but also to meet the challenge, while Stephen counted down the minutes until the day they would see each other again.

And meanwhile the boy, initially doubtful about his sister's potential, by now began to convince himself that she could do it even though he recognized that 80 cm biceps were indeed a monstrous thing!!!

A week passed and Stephen went to his parents' house, as they had gone out shopping and would have to look after his little… younger sister

Eleanor greeted him dressed in workout clothes with tiny shorts and a tiny patch revealing her sculpted and powerful body.

"So, Steph. Ready to lose?"

Without giving his brother a chance to respond at all he handed him the tape measure he already had with him and began to flex a bicep slowly. Very slowly. He almost reached the maximum, but then stopped, and lowered his arm.
"Wait. How do you prefer big brother?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you prefer as I was doing, slowly, or do you want to see my biceps boom?"

"And ... what ... um ... what changes for me?"

"Well, how do you like it better? Because you like it, don't you?"

Stephen swallowed and could not answer. Then he remembered that I had come with a basketball, and he went to the car to get it.

"Here, let's do this, now I'll put it next to your arm, and you'll flex it slowly."

"Then it's slow you prefer?"

He chuckled. Then she began flexing her mountain again. As she was getting closer, the boy's hands began to shake, and it was noticeable since the ball was also shaking, but she said nothing and continued.

Both of them, one astounded, the other truncated with herself saw her biceps exceed the size of the ball! And she would not stop!

"You have exceeded 78 cm! Crazy!"

"Almost there!!!"

She reached the limit! And she had made it!
Now get the tape measure."

He didn't make himself repeat it twice....
"83 cm!!!!!!!"

She had won the challenge! In just one week she had not only inflated her biceps the size of basketballs, he had even surpassed it!!!

"And feel it, it’s hard!!”

Encouraged by his sister Stephen timidly stroked the monstrous erupted muscle on his sister's arm.... she was pleased, he was proud of her. She had managed, with her muscles, to divert him from his almost obsessive interest in sports. From now on he would always be happy to forgo a TV game to accompany her wherever she wanted, challenge or not.

"So, big brother. Since I won, you'll have to accompany me wherever I want."

"Right. A promise is a promise."

"Yeah, and I want you to take me somewhere already."


"To the stadium. There's a soccer game I know you want to watch."

"Will you do that for me?"

"Sure, you're my big brother. And I love you."

"I love you too."

Stephen was moved; he loved her very much. And he was happy to see that their relationship had been greatly strengthened and they would be spending a lot more time together from now on, so that he could see more closely all the accomplishments his sister would achieve through training and, who knows, maybe he would come up with more challenges.

- End


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