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Story written and created by Whitestar (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/whitestar). Feathers the Griffin created as a character by Whitestar (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/whitestar), character design by me. Whitestar the dragoness created by Whitestar (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/whitestar) Credits and copyright of the artwork owned by me (http://manthomex.deviantart.com/ ; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/manthomex/ )




A slight error I spotted. In Panel 1, Feather's nipples have slid out of her blouse, yet in Panel 4 they're back under it. A moot point by Panel 6 I'll concede though. And that suit of Feather's is more ripped open than ever, and must fail soon. Makes me wonder how it's held up so far... But, why did Whitestar have the Pure Stuff right next to the Diluted one if she's that worried about its effects? And, something about things starting to go very wrong at THIS specific page reminds me of something. I wonder what it could be? ;-)


Not an error, bud, in panel 4 Feathers is seen from a bottom angle and the half-mooning nipples are not seen for the perspective!! About the habit of Whitestar to have the two types of solution one next to other, i don't know... probably for her is just like put salt and pepper one next to other, she know how to use it!! She never tought about a sneaky griffin stealing her stuff... but, well, that has happend and, as you have said things starting to go very wrong (or very good it depends by points of view!! Heh!!)