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Posters have started shipping out to the first wave of people! You need to be at the $10+ level for 3 months. This started mid-November, so if you signed up on Dec 21st, your poster would go into production on February 21st! 

There was about 12-13 people that got sent the wrong poster. Patreon used the draft file instead of the final file. You'd be able to tell because it doesn't look like the picture I posted two weeks ago. 

Worry not! If you got sent that, I have already worked with Patreon to get those 12-13 people new posters. They should be sent out in a week or so. 

Patreon doesn't have a good way for me to message that group of people, so I figured everyone would get an update about posters! 

Side note - Christmas cards are late. If you are $10+ at any point in November, you're getting a Christmas card with stickers! The delay was I needed to get more stickers! They arrived last Thursday, so I can finish packing those this weekend. 

Best, Steve



Hey Steve! I have a question about the poster. Can I ask it here or dm?