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You probably heard that I was going to give all Patreon backers in September (or earlier) a chance to redeem some free stickers and buttons! That opportunity is now! Head over to this link and fill out the form to get some rewards sent your way. Please note that this form expires on October 7th at 11:59PM CST. If you fail to fill out the form before then, you miss out on the goods. 

Please do not share the form. I can obviously check if you are or are not a Patreon supporter. 

There will be a movie night on October 8th at 8PM CST. I will have more details when the time comes, but $10+ backers get first in, followed by $4+ backers, then the rest of Slack. Pokémon movie of choice is undecided at this point. 

Best, SBJ 

Edit, please make sure you put your City, State, and Zip!




Was that ever shipped out?


Was this ever shipped? Very excited for the surprise inside!


All USA orders were shipping. Most international orders have gone out, still shipping the last of those.