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I hope you all had a great holiday this past week! I just want to thank you for the continued support in 2019. 2020 is around the corner and I hope that we have another amazing year together. I have a couple updates for you going into 2020! 

Premium Podcast Feed

Irene and I finished Season 20 of the anime before Sword & Shield came out, all those episodes can be found in the Premium feed for any supporters at the $5+ level! While there hasn't been any anime podcasts since then, Irene and I will be covering all episodes of Twilight Wings when it debuts on January 15th. 

Our goal with the Premium Feed is to cover the Galar anime when it debuts in English and not fall behind on it. I'll have to look at a calendar, but Irene and I may cover Generations and/or Origins and/or just the Alola Finals on this feed too. 

Free Stickers

For all patrons in January, I'll be offering and sending out free ISE stickers your way! A Google Form will go out during January if you are interesting in getting mailed some free stickers! That way you can start 2020 with some ISE swag on the house for being a patron. This will be for all $2+ patrons new or old!  

Holiday Mail

If you are a $16+ patron, some holiday postcards went out this week. This was not the seasonal winter mail, that will probably go out at the end of January. Think of the postcard just as a Christmas bonus!

Have a great weekend!


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