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Hello all! 

Capture Card 2DS unit has arrived! I tested it on my Mac and we are good to go for next Friday. Unlike other streamers, I will not be starting at 12:01AM. I figured that this gives you all some time to play, as well as, not worrying about staying up late because of work, family, etc. 

I will start streaming on Friday, November 17th, at 8PM (Central Time), which 10AM, Saturday, in Perth, Australia. 

You can remind yourself about the event right here: https://www.twitch.tv/events/NaKHqNbmSSqjiBUWUVzwYg

Irene, Micah, and myself will also be putting out daily podcasts like we did for Sun/Moon. The goal is to stream those too, but afterwards publish those into the podcast feed for those who cannot make it out! 

Best, SBJ

PS: Minor life update. I lost my job on October 9th, so it's been about 30 days since I've worked. I've applied for 20 jobs since then, I've had 3 "no's" and 2 "we'll call you back," but with no follow up. 25% follow up is pretty good, but no bites. I will continue to stream and put out podcasts to attempt to make ends meet. Thank you for your support! 




Excited for the streams! I hope you hear back soon for a job and that everything works out for you.

Jeremy Crabtree

It sucks working weekends, guess I’ll have to catch the VoDs. Still excited none the less.