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Hello, Everyone! 


I figured I would layout the game plan for the next couple months because there has been so much going on with ISE and PKMNcast. 

Pokémon GO Fest (July 22)

Last weekend, as you know, I was at Pokémon GO Fest with Micah, Irene, and Will. You can hear our thoughts about that show here. I also met up with Trainer Tips and Reversal and some other great Pokémon YouTubers. Those will be on the PKMNcast YouTube page, as well as, a bonus podcast episode in the next couple days. Big shout out to all the folks that came out to the meet-up too. It was very nice to meet all of you. 

PokéCon MN (Aug 5-6)

This is a new event just added to the dock. The folks over at PokéCon invited me out to do a panel and just be a guest. A little last minute, but Micah, Greg (Mythical), and myself will be there on Saturday (8/5). The panel will be at 7PM. This is a ticketed event; more information can be found here: http://www.mnpokecon.com 

August 5th and 6th, Weekend Tickets are ~$40
Doubletree Park Place
1500 Park Pl Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55416

We would love to meet an MN people that can make it out Saturday. We also have a great panel planned too! Sorry, this event was last minute!

7th Anniversary Show (Aug 13)

As you may know, ISE will be 7 years old in a couple of days. To celebrate 7 years, SBJ, Will, and Travis will be doing a live show on August 13th. I had to push this date back because of PokéCon, but it should be fun regardless. Like any of our live shows, this will be archived for the podcast. Micah and I are planning on streaming after the live show, and more details about that day will come soon, including Patreon-only benefits for the day, so stay tuned. 

Gen Con (Aug 16-20)

This has nothing to do with ISE, besides that fact that I will be there with Micah, Irene, Will, Greg (Mythical) and Logan (Mythical). If you are attending, feel free to find us. This is more of a personal show for me, but I would love to play Pokémon GO with you if you are attending. 

PAX West (Sept 1-4)

This is probably the last big show I'll be doing for the year. The ISE panel is scheduled for Monday, September 4th, at 12:30PM. It will be a 400 person room, and just for reference, the 300 person room at PAX East filled instantly. I am happy to say that TheJwittz will be joining me on the panel. I am in talks with two other guests for the panel too. I understand that PAX is sold out and this might be a hard show to get tickets for, so there will be a meet-up outside of PAX during these 4 days. Date and time TBD right now. 

ISEcon (December)

As some of you may know, the 4th Season of Mythical (Schools and Slowpokes) was recorded last December with all of us in person at the WI Dells. Season 5 was also recorded there as well (still not done editing it), but this was a test run for possibly an ISEcon. 

So to explain a little bit further, we had about 14 people come out to the WI Dells to record, hangout, eat pizza, go swimming, play Pokémon Sun and Moon, play board games, etc. It was a pretty inexpensive trip, even for the people who had to fly in. Nothing is set in stone for this at all, but based on the results last year, it was affordable and incredibly fun. 

If you are interested in attending an ISEcon, there are a couple of things I would have to know before actually making this a reality like last year. 

If you are interested and you can say "yes" to the three bullet points below, then please COMMENT ON THIS POST that this is something you'd be interested in. 

• Traveling to WI (via Flight or Vehicle with wheels)
• Once in WI, actually getting to the Dells (It's not near an Airport)
• Booking a Room (w/ a headcount, I can get [better] rates to you)

So again, I would need a headcount and even some commitment to make this a reality. I know everyone was thrilled with how affordable the hotel was last year and how much fun it was. Ideally, this would be early December or over New Year's Eve based on pricing and timing. If you have any questions regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact me as a lot of work has to go into this before December. 

The WI Dells is an indoor waterpark with a full amusement park connected with an outlet mall across the street and various shops and eateries around it. It's like a small touristy city, and since it's a water park in December, it's pretty cheap to book at while still having a lot to do.

Edit, a lot of debate in Slack over dates. If December 2017 doesn't work, I would also be open to pushing it until February 2018 too. January is a bad month for me due to PAX South.



Tony Abbott

I, too, would enjoy ISEcon. Just keep it away from Xmas/NYE, because it's too hard to take off time from work those days.