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Pokémon GO Fest Meet-up

We will be meeting at the South Loop Burger Bar after Pokémon GO Fest. It’s a 6 min walk from Grant Park. This will be a 21+ event. No cost to attend and be there with us. 

This will be the biggest PKMNcast meet-up ever planned. There are 35+ people are said to be coming after the Google Survey + guests tally. Burger Bar is setting aside half the restaurant for us, the North End of it. You are *not* required to order food or drinks, so don’t feel bad if you only want a soda. Shout out to Irene for calling them and organizing this and setting it all up. They are very happy to accommodate us on short notice. If you want food, they’ll have it, if you want alcohol or just beverages, they will have it. Here is a link to their menu: http://places.singleplatform.com/burger-bar-34/menu?ref=google

I have never been here, so it could be a bust!! Irene said they were extremely nice on the phone and were very easy to work with. They have a 4.5 out of 5 on Google and a 4 out of 5 on Yelp. 

South Loop - Burger Bar 
1150 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
7:15PM - Whenever


If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me at sbj@pkmncast.com or use Slack or use Twitter @draggingalake. If you have kids that listen to the show and/or you are not attending the meet-up because of time, location, etc. Feel free to reach out and we can meet-up and say “hi” during the Fest. 

We Need Final Number Count

The only thing Burger Bar wants from us is a final number count on Friday. If you cannot come, just let me know. If you are coming, please let me know how many people are in your party. So if it’s you and two friends, let me know that you have a party of 3. You can reach out to me. If for some reason you cancel after you send me a final headcount, do not worry about it. Burger Bar just wants to make sure they remove or add enough tables for the group prior to us arriving. 

Alola Vacation 

Due to planning for Pokémon GO Fest, there will not be an episode of Alola Vacation this week. Irene and I will be back next week to jump back on the Anime train and give you some fresh new episodes. ISE is still planned for Monday, like always. 

Slack Update

Minor change in Slack happened over the past week. #general and #announcements switched places. Why? The first reason why is because #general was the first channel created and was the default channel. This means that no one could leave that channel and it was the only channel (by being first) that I could restrict to admin-only mode. So by renaming it #annoucements, it is now set up for only admins to post there and no one can leave it! So... when rules get updated or announcements are made, now everyone can easily find them. So the new #general is just like the old #general, except you can leave general if it's too overwhelming. 

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know! 

See some of you this weekend! 



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