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Kyoko is a cute little princess. But she felt like her growth was too slow. So she began to study ways to make her body grow faster.


Until she was able to create a medicine formula from rare herbs. After that, she tried using the herbs on herself without testing them first
The next day her body began to change (Wow, my body looks bigger My figure looks much better ).
(Eh, wait a minute, why do I feel like my body looks stronger?) Her muscles slowly began to grow.
Her body suddenly grew faster than before. Her muscles became noticeably bigger. Her breasts swelled to the size of watermelons
(Ahhh, what happened to me? The herbs really had a great effect on my body. I feel more and more strong.)
(This is really crazy. I still feel the power coming in. Come, come again. More coming in)
Kyoko's body now looked very strong. Her breasts were bigger than before. (My breasts are so soft. If you try to touch it)
She thought that her body had completely grown, but no, her body was still getting stronger. Her power began to increase enormously.
And today Princess Kyoko has to attend a celebration party. Everyone who saw her was shocked by her enormous body.
She had to change clothes while participating because her body had grown. And it increased so much that she didn't know when it would stop.


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