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One day, Elle felt like she was nothing special. So she turned to black magic. Today she is ready for the ritual. So she began a religious ceremony asking for strength. Start with the power of thought and mind, brain power, and strength power. But she was too excited so she said something wrong.


Um, what did I pray for just now? It should be complete. or still lacks the power of strength So let's give her more strength.
(In reality, she hasn't made any wishes yet.) Her body began to grow as she asked for more strength. The clothes she wore became unwearable.
Her strength increased very quickly. She had to exercise hard to stabilize her energy.
Her body expanded very quickly. Her muscles are getting bigger. She could hardly control his power.
She regained control of her powers as she became stronger. But it seemed like she was beginning to wonder why she had gotten so strong.
It dawned on her that she had only made one wish. (Did I make a mistake? But that's okay, I like it.)
After she recalled the incident of making that wish again, the power suddenly flowed into her body even faster. (Oh shit, so good.)
Her body now had big muscles like a bodybuilder's. Plus you have big breasts. It looks very sexy.
She wouldn't stop here. She exercised harder.
Until now, she felt that her power was more than enough. She seems to have the most power than anyone else right now.


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