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So embargo has finally lifted  & I can reveal that build month was paused because I got the opportunity to play the new Snowy Escape EP and I had to create as many builds as I could with the time. Because of the current global situation in person simscamp isn't a possibility, so a selected group of simmers got early beta access instead. I had the game to play for a week and I manged to create 3 builds. I couldn't do early access for the first Teahouse build, but I can now give early access to the next build that will be released on Sunday. 

Yes it was only Base game plus the new EP, so ya gurl was on the struggle bus! But I should be able to do some awesome builds when I have the final release copy next month :)

Early Access to The Japanese Shops 



Bill Shrum

You didn't get to use Felixandre windows, but at least the windows you did use worked. They look great!


i am so excited !!!