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You might've noticed that this month I've taken less commissions than usual and I'm not even doing them in parallel with my personal projects. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with nerve pain since the beginning of May. I have spent the entire summer at home or being visited by doctors. I'm getting closer to the solution but it is going to take a few more weeks, maybe another month or two. The issue is that I have reached the point where working a few hours causes me too much pain to deal with, despite taking painkillers. 

I plan to keep drawing sketches and also commissions in a less aggressive way, however I may have to put on hold personal projects during some days depending on my condition. This means less DAMP!, Season Changes and animations. 

That said, since early in the morning is basically the only time I can actually work for a while, I will keep making progress, it will just be slower. Streams might also be shorter in general. I tried to resist but I'm hitting my limit.

I will make sure to let you guys know when I'm all good and ready to get back into full swing.



Take care of yourself, don't go hurting yourself.


You don't fuck around when it comes to your health man. I hope for the best for you and I'm pretty sure we all understand and agree that you should take it easy.


*hugs* you're gonna be OK Sketch, better than OK. you have infinitely more work to show for justifying medical leave than I did at my last job. I commend you for prioritizing your health and mental. It's never easy.


Take all the time you need! Your health is more important than anything

Lord Salwatore

I think no one would be mad at you if you take a break for your health. Dont put your health at risk, so please take good care of your body.


Sorry y can't speak English but I love your work. Take your time ❤️ Spanish: Espero te mejores y tomate el tiempo qué sea necesario. Yo seguiré apoyándote


No worries take your time and hope you get feeling better soon.


Take care of yourself Sketch! Your health and wellbeing is the most important thing 💚


As the saying going, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don't think anyone here is going to be super pissed about you taking time for your health. If that involves not just slowing down but time off I feel confident enough to say almost everyone ain't going to just leave. Hope you get better and take it easy!