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I'm considering scrapping this whole thing, it really started to look extremely dumb and empty to me. And I can't even show you. Your thoughts?




but it looks so cute? i mean its like a high school meets witchcraft school looking thing and secretly im hoping for a back ground appearance of nimbus.


We haven't even seen any diaper action yet. If you are going to scrap it at least show us what you have already before doing it. It would be a major shame to see all these teasers but nothing comes of it.


I say if you're not enjoying it yourself, it's better to scrap it and work on something that's more interesting to you. Maybe come back to it later with a fresh mind.


I was thinking of simply releasing this stuff on patreon without any early access bullshit. It started looking so bad to me that selling it makes me feel like a scammer.


You had been enjoying this so much from what I heard, silly or serious, I honestly think you should take a break, find what inspired you in the first place and come back. You can always redo parts you aren't satisfied with.


Just keep chugging along.


In my opinion it really doesn't look dumb. The teaser pictures look very appealing, even if there is no diaper stuff in them. You have a good point of view for architecture and comic structure! In addition I agree with Nino's comment. You seemed very happy and dedicated to this comic and now it makes you feel empty? Maybe there is another problem behind this feeling which you should try to identify. In every case I wish you the best in the situation and hope that you can enjoy your work again.


I guess I'm just stuck again. I'm taking a break and see where it goes.


I'd like to see this comic continued and finished. The art you've shown in the teasers are amazing. But if you aren't feel as excised as when you started, take a break and come back to is later.


Dude. I'm glad you're back. we *love* you're art. As a guy who goes to Burning Man, i understand that sometimes........art takes time. Take your time....don't burn out. Yet at the same time, don't lose the fire. And when you need to, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. .............Whatever you do is what.you.do. We'll deal with it. You're the best thing to happen to this community in a LONG time. least i could do is throw a little money your way. Keep plugging your Patreon. You've more than earned it. Go to Burning Man some day, if you can. It's worth it too...


(maybe pause it til the first season comes out to see which plotlines to follow??)


I decide the plot of my comics before I draw them (obviously) the problem is that I didn't realize how stupid it was until I got deep into it. I was thinking about releasing the pages I did and do something else.