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There are several comics that I've scrapped and never published. One of them is... Well, I don't even remember if it had a title. The characters were two sisters, named Karen and Lucy. I also recall that I planned for the young one to be called Amber to pull off a silly joke "Amber/ remember" but then scrapped the idea.

Chapter one had the young one wet the bed one morning, trying to hide it from her big sis, heading to school, forgetting there was no class planned for the day (field trip day) and going back home early. That's where she met her older sis which had obviously found out about her accident and provided to buy some diapers. The chapter ended after a brief talk and with Karen wearing one for the night, with her big sis peeping from the door. I don't even know where I wanted to go with the story but if there is one thing I regret is deleting all of it. I tried digging all my backup drives and I wasn't able to find a single trace of it. 

The characters were very chibi-like and everything was sketched, I don't think I was even planning to polish it. Other projects that got deleted include my very first diaper comic, drawn on paper (it had a horribly tragic beginning where a girl loses both her parents on a car accident and becomes incontinent) and my very first attempts at drawing anime girls. I guess if I got rid of those, they were just not meant to be seen. I might have made you a big favour here :p


Abe Sedecim

It's sad when a precious file is deleted and not recovered. I once tried to put mine on external hard drives, but then that hard drive crashed so it was doomed regardless.