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I should be able to complete All Routes Lead To Diapers this coming week, publishing pages up to Friday. After that we have a public stream and then we're back to DQ:N and DAMP!

I was also considering a slight change of schedule. Instead of alternating days, which results in only a few pages for whatever secondary comic I'm cooking, what about having alternate weeks? So a DAMP! week and a DQ week and so on. It will definitely balance the total number of pages out and reduce the number of cliffhangers (but you cannot stop cliffhanger Fridays :p). This will also help settle down with DQ a bit faster. Just saying, if I had adopted this method when I started the first Nanako's Diary, I would be close to ending DQ right now, so... Worth a try. If no one likes it we can go back to regular 3/2 pages per week.



I like the sound of alternating weeks of comics.


Change of pace sounds good.


Change is always good. Or else we would all be waddling around with full pants.


Good idea in my books.

Big Zam

That’s definitely worth trying. The consistency of ARLTD is something I enjoyed quite a lot. Although, the more tempting you make the Cliffhanger Fridays, the more desperate I get for the week to hurry on by. lol


This sounds like a good idea to try. Of course you can never end Cliffhanger Fridays :P


Thats a great idea!


I'm always on for whatever suits your needs and makes you happy. Alternating weeks are totally cool with me if you want to give em a shot.