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It ends here folks, I'm truly sorry. I am not able to keep up with so many comics running and colors require quite a lot of time even if the characters are just sketched. That and some other issues like managing both a D&D campaign, transcribing everything into a comic and also dealing with the daily publications and requests. I'd like to thank Nowi Green, AndSoISaidMrglrg, HalfNakedLinkle, Libi-Dodo and Princess Author for taking part into this weird project and tagging along for more than a year.




I am very thankful to have been a part of this fun project and will never forget the wonderful adventure we were able to have together~


Your health is always most important. You do what you need to, I'm always glad to read your content, and I hope you got some enjoyment out of it.


No worries man. You do what you can. You ain't no superman. Don't try to be one you'll burn out.


Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this adventure, even if only for a brief moment. It was fun while it lasted, and I'm glad to have been a part of it. Cateline Peaceshard will forever go down in history as the thief who never got to do anything cool, and ended the series getting pulled out of a slime cube by her diaper. :P

Abe Sedecim

Just remember you're not the only story that ended on a cliffhanger or lack of a proper finale. Just look at the 2011 remake of Thundercats, Married with Children or the ever popular Quantum Leap. The point is, they all have us entertainment and that's good enough for anyone.


You can even look at The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin. It never got the season 2 it rightfully deserved :(


Dude you're all good you work hard as it is. It was cool to see your art either way


No need to apologize Sketch. You put a lot of time and effort into all you do for us, and we don't want to stretch you too thin. Have a great day, and remember to enjoy what you do, or it's not worth it.


It's all good, it's best to not spread your too thin on so many projects. It was a really nice concept and great to see it play out. It certainly made me wanna do something along the same lines but with writing. Have things decided by a roll of a dice so I couldn't just plan everything out.


Maybe one day we can continue if you ever feel like it in the future it's been an honour and a privilege to play and take part in this with you all


It's a pity, but your decision is understandable and right. Thank you for sharing this interesting project : )